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it's one more day to the day i can finally see you and talk to you

it felt like years since you have been ignoring me ever since that matter a months ago

ever since then, the soft and cuddly hoseok is gone

hopefully when i see you, the soft and cuddly hoseok is back

and i have realised that in that one month, there's no vampire cases

are you the cause of their deaths?

and now today, before i went to bed, i watched the news and there were 5 vampire cases today

are you the cause of their deaths again?

please tell me

if you are, i can give you a bit of my blood

and if you're the vampire, how did you survive not drinking human blood?

did you secretly lure them and drink their blood?

please tell me

i really hope that you will being up about this matter tomorrow when we meet

i'm worried sick about you

Blink, Hoseok FF ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora