j u n g h o s e o k

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you don't know me well enough my dear

i really want to tell you but i'm afraid that i'll scare you away

so you still haven't noticed that i'm staring at you when you're asleep

as i was reading your thoughts, i heard that you are worried about me if i am the vampire

yes i am the vampire and how i got to be conscious was that i drank the blood bags given from the hospital

as vampires have powers, we can do many things with it

for example, we can read minds, heal human wounds quickly and many more

but for royal blood vampires, they have stronger powers

for example, they can hypnotise people, fool people by inserting images into people's mind to confuse them if it is reality or fake and do many other things

i don't know if this is unfortunate or fortunate but i am a royal blood vampire

my powers are the basics and fooling people by inserting fake things into their minds and lastly, having the ability to place a protective charm because from what i know, protective charms are hard to do as the are deadly but with much practice especially for royalties, they will be able to protect a lot of people

if you're wondering, i have not done it to y/n because i don't want to take her away from reality and make her confused once i take it away from her

she's the most precious jewel i've ever had in my life

i am watching over you y/n so don't worry about me

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