j u n g h o s e o k

203 18 0

so i have a number of things to do, as it is to planning my future with y/n

firstly, i will write a handwritten note to you to meet up with me at night 3 days later

then, we will talk about our relationship and we will also try and work it out and cover up all the lost times we had

i will also reveal who i am and i really really hope that she will accept me

then next, if she accepts me for who i am, maybe i can take her to visit my parents and i can go see hers?

i guess so... but then after that i don't really know what to do but what i know is that i should start working on the first thing

at 2.a.m, i snuck out of the room, as i don't have the powers of teleportation and went into her study room and started to write that i want to meet her 3 days later at our favourite park, in the night

as i was writing, i heard her shuffling in her sleep and i was honestly scared that she will wake up but fortunately, i heard the shuffling stop

tip-toeing to her room, i saw her still asleep and heaved a sign of relief and went back to her study room to continue with the writing

after i was done, i tip-toed back to her room and place the note on her side table

admiring her cute facial features, i kissed her forehead softly, then her nose, cheeks then her rosy pink lips

i watched over her from around 2:30 to about 6 in the morning

seeing the sun rising, i knew i had to go before i get sunburned

i muttered a small 'i love you' before kissing her forehead and leaving her house to back to my homeland, Hell

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