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looks like they have escaped


didn't thought that that will happen

i thought that she will be so dumb and die in her house but no

she's alive!

now moving onto my next plan, killing her

well... not really my next plan

i've always wanted to kidnap and kill her ever since i saw her with jung hoseok

ugh that disgusting rich brat!

always taking all my rightful things away from me!

he will get it

but through...


that will be so great right?

seeing him in so much pain when i kill his mate right in front of his eyes would be so good right?

i've always wanted to do that

ruin his life

make him miserable

oh goodie!

with the help of y/n, i will be able to bring him down and make his entire people to bow before me

wait for my attack jung hoseok

trust me you'll love it

or maybe...


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