j u n g h o s e o k

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during that one month where both y/n and i were not on so good terms, i went back to where i belong to talk to my father about y/n and myself

i am very grateful for such a father as he supported our relationship and encouraged me to reveal my true self to her as that was what he also did to my mother

in case if you're wondering where's my mother, she is now a vampire but because of her weak state before she changed, she always rest in her room as she said that she wants to save up her energy when i have kids so that with those energy, she can play with them

my mom is actually a human, just like y/n but when she was about to die because of over bleeding as she got into a car accident, my father was told that my mother had a few hours to live before she really passes on, so he turned her into a vampire

i admire their relationship and actually hoped that it will happen to me and y/n but based on what my mother told me, turning into a vampire is very painful and i honestly, can't bear to see y/n in pain so i am still contemplating whether i should turn her

just only, i went to my mom's room to ask her more about relationships and she gave me a confusing answer

❝ healthy relationships does not work out on its own. we make them work, not relationships make us work. ❞

at this point, i do not know which part of the sentence to listen to

what if our relationship goes downhill and i will lose her?

all the "what if's" are now in my head and i keep on second guessing myself

i really have no idea what to do

but then again, i think i know what to do

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