Chapter 3: Go-Karting and Memories🌊

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They arrived at the place and went in, "Smells like the day we won victory," Suki smiled.

"Not for long," Aang smirked, "We should wager the same thing we did back than," Toph thought.

"Yeah, Who ever loses buys the winners pizza," Katara said, "You girls are on," Zuko stated.

They raced around the track, "This is as easy as before," Suki blew a raspberry towards the boys as she passed.

"And that's how we get free dinner," Toph smiled as her, Katara and Suki dug in.

"Pizza taste better when you don't buy it," Katara smirked.

"You think we can finish this," Toph said as they boys smiled and fist bumped each other, which confused the girls.

"What just happened," Toph was confused, "We ordered more so we could get some," Sokka laughed.

"How are you and sweetness related," Toph laughed.

They ended the night staying at Toph's and acting like they were in high school again.

"Hey, you guys remember the first day of high school," Suki said, "Yeah, It was funny," Zuko said.


"Bye Mom, Bye dad," katara and Sokka called as they left, "Wow, Its much bigger than middle school," Sokka said.

"C'mon lets go," Katara said.

They made there way to the hall were all the other 9th graders were, "Katara over here," Aang waved her over as everyone sat together.

After a long introduction

"And may everyone have a wonderful year," Vice principal Joo Dee said as everyone found there way around school.

"I guess this is my locker," Katara smiled at Aang, "I'm right next to you Katara," Aang was happy but to the other side was Jet.

"Hey Katara, Looks like i'll be seeing you a lot this year," Jet smirked, "Yeah," Katara nervously laughed, "Well, maybe we should go out sometime," Jet had his arm against the locker.

"Sorry Jet but I'm going out with," She had to think fast, "Aang, yep, we are a couple," She rambled.

"Well, bye, we have a whole school to see," She and Aang had speed walked to were there dorms were, "Why is he so creepy," Katara shivered at the thought of him.

"Well, who knows," Aang laughed. Katara arms were locked into Aang's as they walked to there room to find Sokka, Zuko, Yue, Mai, Suki and Toph waiting for them to arrive.

"What are you two doing," Yue smiled at the two as there arms were still intertwined, "Nothing," Katara quickly moved her arm and sat with the others.

"So, we should dominate and conquer," Toph joked, "You sound like Azula," Zuko laughed.

"But seriously, people would wanna mess with ninth graders," Toph said, "We have the avatar who would wanna mess with us," Sokka nudged Aang.

"Thanks Sokka But I'm not gonna beat anyone up just because I'm the avatar," Aang smiled.

"Well, we should be settling into our room so get out," Suki and Yue pushed the boys out.


They all sat around at dinner and were just getting use to school, "Do they have anything vegetarian," Aang said.

"What, Meat is so good," Sokka's mouth was stuffed, "you couldn't say it any other way," Toph smiled.

A boy approached there table were they sat, "Hey," he said to Toph, "Hey, you need anything," Toph said.

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to go out," He said, "I'm Jackson." "I'm Toph," She said.

"Yeah, why not," She said, "Cool," he said as he left.

"Well, girls we got some work to do," Suki grabbed Toph as they all ran up stairs.

"Girls," Zuko said as they all laughed.

End of Flashback 

They all laughed, "That day was funny," Toph said.

"Maybe things haven't changed since high school," Aang said, "Well, not a lot," Katara laughed.

"Well, I'm off to bed," Zuko said, "Me too," Suki followed.

"Were off too," Aang and Katara went up and slept.

It was Toph and Sokka in an awkward silence, "So, how has school been," Toph asked, "It's been good," Sokka answered.

"Hey," They said, "You go first," Toph insisted, "I'm sorry for that day," He said.

Toph didn't say anything for a while, "I'm sorry too," She said, "It's been two years since we last saw each other and I'm the one to blame for it," He said.

"Hey," She placed her hands on his, "Don't beat your self up, It wasn't meant to be," She said.

"I'm going up, uh, Good night," She said as she went to her room.

Sokka could just smile.


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