Chapter 9: 🌊

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The kiss felt like many memories rushing back into Toph's head, 

From high school, to the elaborate dates Sokka took her on, to their happiest moments,

Her happiest moments.

They pulled away, catching their breath, Sokka blushed a deep red, "Sorry, it was in the heat of the moment and I-" he slowly stopped talking as he saw her.

Face covered by one hand but Sokka could see her ears, bright red. "Stupid meathead," she muttered something and Sokka just chuckled. 

The next day

They had covered much ground and were closer to the blacksmith. 

"Okay, it's just one more town over and were there," Sokka said, "Finally, but it's nearly sunset so we gotta find a place to stay in this," Toph looked around, "Town?"

They town they sumbled upon was old and seemed that everyone who lived here had left everything here to rot. 

"I mean we can probably find a place to stay for the night," Sokka tried to see the brightside of the situation. 

They found themselves a motel and walked towards the front desk, "Welcome, how may I help you- Toph?" the man smiled, "Kusek?!" Sokka and Toph were shocked.

"Hey, how have you guys been," he smiled, 'that damn smile' Toph thought cursing herself in her head. 

"We're just on a trip and stopped by," Sokka said, 'don't think I forgot who you are' he thought. 

"Wait, why are you working here, aren't your parents mega rich?" Toph asked, "Well they are, they said I had to work for the Fortune, like c'mon," Kursek scoffed as he handed the room key to Toph. 

"Hey Toph, I've been thinking about-" Kursek began, "Daddy, mummys mad again on the phone," a little girl came out from behind the counter, "Yeah no thanks," Toph walked off and grabbed Sokka by the arm. 

"Not this time?" Sokka Joked, "Sokka, so help me I will earth bend you to the next Nation over," Toph said as she opened the door. 

Big problem...

"There is only one bed," Sokka said, "I'll go see if he has any other rooms avaliable," Toph went down stairs. 

She arrived a minute later, "Yeah guess this is it for the night," she said, "prick said its booked out," she scoffed as she walked in and put her stuff down. 

"You can have the bed," Sokka said walking into the bathroom, "what no, thats not fair," Toph said, "It's big enough for two, three people even," she blushed, "Yeah your right," Sokka mumbled, tooth brush in his mouth.  

"Lets go down stairs and check their food options," Sokka said, "You just brushed your teeth," Toph deadpanned, "annddddd, i can always brush my teeth," He said as he raced down stairs.

Toph and Sokka went down and saw their food selection, for a motel in the middle of nowhere they do have good food, "this taste good, try it," Toph said sliding her plate over to Sokka, "Omg your right." 

The little girl from before came out, "hi," she spoke, "hey," Toph and Sokka said, both with food in their mouths. The little girl had white lovely hair,brown in some places, tanned skin and blue eyes. Features familair with the water tribe, "My dad doesn't like you," she said, "But I don't like my dad so Ima hang here for a bit," she sat next to Toph. 

Sokka couldn't help but feel as if she looked familiar, "Why'd yous come out to this dump?" The little girl asked, "We're on a journey," TOph answered, "Like the ones in books?" the girls eyes beamed.

"You could say that," Sokka said, "My father works out here but we live in a bigger house out in a gated community, my babysitter cancelled today so he made me come with him," she said. 

The girl looked no younger than three and could already talk like an adult at this age, "Oh my names Khana, what about you two?" 

"Toph and Sokka," she smiled at the two, "You speak alot for a 3 year old," Sokka laughed, "Yeah, I guess when your taught terrible customs of a tribe its like that," she slouched in her chair. 

"Are you from the water tribe?" Toph asked, " Northern tribe, my parents are divorced so I'm visiting my dad for the time being," Khana said.

It hit Sokka like a bullet, "Your mother isn't Chief Yue, is it?" Sokka asked, Khana looked at him, "Wow, your smart," she smiled, "Yeah she is, do you know her," she asked.

Toph didn't know what to do so she watched, "Yeah, we were good friends a long time ago," Sokka smiled as he saw alot of Yue through her personality. 

"Well, I guess I gotta go, Nice talking to you weirdos," Khana left and ran towards her father. 

"I guess we should go too," Sokka said as he and Toph made there way back. 

They had been caught up with Khana they forgot about the bed, "Uh, ill sleep on this end and you go on the other on," Sokka said, " Good idea." 

And they laid there, "Hey, funny how Kursek and Yue had a kid right?" Sokka chuckled, "Yeah crazy match up, and like right out of high school too," Toph said.

"Hey, are you okay with Yue being bought up in this. I mean it was a bad break up," Toph said remebering their time in High school. 

"Yeah, I guess I found something else that made me happy," He was sitting up now looking down at her. 

"Yeah," she smiled back. 


God this Chapter was a mess.

How is everyone...

Been a while huh?

Anyway, gonna do yall some justice and bring this back.

Updates are whenever so please don't expect the next on soon. 

Okay kursek and Yue (weird ikr) 

Yue and Kursek got together due to an arranged marriage, Kursek got Yue pregnant at 19 and they divorced shortly after she became chief. 

NOW she rules the tribe the way she wants and lets her daughter do visits to her father. 

Just to clarify the situation. 

Until next time..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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