Chapter 7: Cousin Runa🌊

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"MITTENS! WAKE UP!" Toph's cousin Runa banged loudly on the door, "What," Toph opened it with her bed-hair.

"Rough night, huh," Runa smirked.

Toph shut the door on her but her foot was in the way, "I was kidding, dad said for me to take you and your boyfriend around town for a while before you two leave," She smiled.

"He's not my boyfrie-" Toph felt an arm rush over her shoulders, "Lighten up Toph, it's our vacation," Toph's face blushed with red as she realized it was Sokka.

"Yeah, cuz," She nudged Toph as she was staring at Sokka, whom was shirtless.

"Well, I'll meet you two out the front," Runa left smirking at Toph.


"Okay, first stop on our list is the grocery store," Runa said, "Wait! is this just a grocery run for you," Toph glared over at her, "No, pffft," Runa lied.

"Still the same old, Runa," Toph laughed, "So, Sokka you single," Runa asked, "Not for me, I'm married."

"Uh, yeah, Just got out of a relationship," He answered, "That sucks, why not date Mittens," Runa smirked.

They both went red in the face and before Runa could ask they arrived at the store, "Everybody out."

They walked in, Toph went somewhere else as Runa went with Sokka down another Isle, "So, was it you or Toph that broke the other ones heart," Runa asked.

"How did you know," Sokka said, "I know my cousin," Runa smiled, "I was in another one after her," Sokka said.

"Well, that sucks," Runa kept her concentration on the shelves. 

"So, how did you and Toph get together," Runa asked, "I asked her to prom and she was really there for me after I broke up with my other girlfriend," Sokka said.

"It was kinda a mistake breaking up with her, I did love her but I thought she didn't love me or need me either," Sokka was really pouring his emotions out.

"Wow, Toph got a good one," Runa laughed, "She's a Beifong alright."

"She loved you alright, Beifong's have trouble with expression and coming from Toph, she is very closed and never lets anyone in," Runa said, "But you have to know, when she loves something she will do whatever to protect it."

It was making sense to Sokka, "Thanks for the advice Runa," Sokka smiled, "Anytime, I love Mittens, she's awesome," Runa Laughed.

"Hey you two, I'm hungry and me and Sokka gotta keep going," Toph peaked through the selves, "Okay, jeez Mittens, were going," Runa laughed.

"And I told you not to call me that," Toph scoffed.


"Come back anytime kiddo," Her uncle hugged her, "Will do so," She hugged him back.

Sokka and Toph drive off, "Well, that was a total bust, we just gotta keep looking," Toph said.

"Yup, we should probably travel to Ba Sing Se now," Sokka said, "Yeah," Toph sounded excited.

"I'm tired and puffed from today," Toph said, "Yeah, your cousins are funny," Sokka laughed.

"Yeah, besides the nickname," Toph crossed her arms, "haha, how did you get Mittens as a nickname," Sokka chuckled.

"When I was about 5, I used to wear these stupid mittens all the time even when it wasn't winter and they nicknamed me mittens," Toph said.

"That's cute," Sokka smiled.

"Just don't go calling me it, eh snoozles," Toph punched him in the arm.

Later that night

They had set up a fire and talked for a while.

"So, how we getting to Ba Sing Sa," Sokka said, "We could take this road," Toph pointed to a slim path way on the map, "The Serpents Pass," Sokka read aloud.

"Wait, I learnt about this in geography," Sokka said, "Like your brain remembers that far," Toph teased.

"It may take you to Ba Sing Sa but its dangerous," Sokka said.

"Well, we should take it," Toph smiled, "I don't think it's a good idea," Sokka was hesitate to the idea.

"C'mon, what's the point of Adventure when there's no danger," Toph smiled, "Please," She gave Sokka puppy dog eyes and pleaded with him.

"Fine! Fine! We'll have to travel on foot for that though, so say goodbye to the jeep," Sokka said.

"What Jeep?" Toph earthbended her Jeep into the sky and it crashed somewhere else, she gave him a blank look.

"Toph! How? What? uh?" Sokka was speechless, "What, you asked about a Jeep I don't know what your talking about," She folded her arms and turned away.

Then she started to laugh, "Your face is hilarious," She continued to laugh.

"You just shot your jeep in the air," Sokka was still shocked, "Pfffft, I have money, I can buy a new one," Toph brushed it off.


Thank you for reading (This was a very random chapter)

Stay tuned for more😆

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