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~Cue beautiful, wonderful place, animals in peace and harmony~

Days went by, turning into weeks. Onceler traveled with Melvin across the country, searching for the perfect material for his Thneed. As soon as Oncler was about to give up, Melvin pulled up to the top of a large hill.

"My god Melvin!" Oncler growls as he hops off his cart. "What is i-" He stops mid sentence and gazes upon the new land. The sky is a bright shade of blue, not a cloud in the sky. The hills are covered in trees, all a variant shade of pink, orange, and yellow. The bright green grass covers the ground. Birds swarm the trees.

Onceler pats Melvin on the head. "Well Melvin! This is the pla-a-a-a-ce!" He leads his mule down the hill, admiring the land. The animals surround the Onceler's cart, confused.

As Oncler unloads the cart, he carelessly throws tools and objects at the animals, unnoticing their presence. The animals glare up at the tall man highly annoyed with his arrival.

The onceler grabs his guitar and turns around, humming to himself. "Oh! Why hello there!" He awkwardly smiles as he glances at the animals. Walking...fish... he didn't understand how that worked, but he didn't question it.

The animals started closing in on the oncler.

"Whoa there-guys-maybe we could-" the Onceler steps back anxiously, just as he had an idea. He turns and pulls out two giant bags of marshmallows. As the bears jump at him they rip the bags of marshmallows and stop in awe.

Marshmallows fly out of the bags. They fly onto the ground and at the animals.

"Well shit, there goes my marshmallows." The Oncler grumbles. He pulls out his big ol' tent and walks over to a clearing. He sets up his tent, ignoring the animals cheering. He paid for those marshmallows, that didn't mean those mutts could steal them all. He finishes setting up the tent with a huff, then stomps inside.

The animals continue to sound like they're on drugs.

Pipsqueak stared at Onceler and followed him into his tent. He stares at Onceler in awe.

Onceler grabs his axe. He turns to leave, then sees a bear.

"If you want marshmallows I don't have anymore, no thanks to you rats." He growls, glaring at the bear.

Pipsqueak hugs Oncelers leg and looks up at him with puppy eyes.

"Blep..." he said it softly.

"Hmpf." He kicks Pipsqueak aside before walking outside. Oncler looks around the land, then walks over to a pink truffula tree. He stands next to it, then begins to swing his axe at it.

Pipsqueak began to screech in sadness and offendness. "Ruuuuuuuuude!!!!"

The Onceler ignores the bear and continues chopping down the tree. He steps back and watches it fall down with a smile. It reaches the ground with a loud 'Thump!'

The animals gasp, because some reason fish can gasp and walk..

The Onceler grabs the tree, it's surprisingly light for its large size. He brings it to his tent and starts harvesting the fluff.

"This is the perfect material." He mutters to himself.

The sky goes grey and stormy shortly after Onceler dragged the truffula tree. Lightning and thunder is everywhere.

The Onceler is somehow unaware of this. He goes to his sewing machine and starts creating his Thneed.

The truffula tree stump began to shake violently and smoke appeared from the stump. This continues for a good few minutes.

Pipsqueak slams into the door of Onceler's tent.

Onceler holds up his Thneed and looks upon it with pride. "It's life changing." He smiles to himself and wraps it around his neck, then walks outside his tent. He looks around the area with a smug expression.

The stump shook more and a booming voice appeared. " WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK IS FU--" lorax tripped over his stump as he climbed out.

"Who the fuck-" The Onceler blinks at the oversized peanut that appeared out of a stump.


The Onceler glares at the orange thing and crosses his arms. "That's none of your business you sadistic fuck."

The animals gasp, snicker and back up. this string bean is about to throw hands.


"Oh yeah?! Who the hell do you think you are, hrm!? I don't see a sign stating that this is an orange peanut's land."

"I am the Lorax. I speak for the fucking trees. Now, WHO THE FUCKING FUCK IS CHOPPING DOWN MY FUCKING TREEEEEEEES!!!!!??" he had snarled a bit.

The Onceler drops the axe on Pipsqueak's head. "The mutt did it." He growls.

Pipsqueak went down with a 'Thump'. He squeaked a bit.

Lorax glares at Onceler. "Yea fucking right. I know you did this shit you...you...you string bean looking ass bitch." he snaps at Onceler.

"Ha! You stupid fucking peanut. You think you can just pop out of a fucking tree stump and boss me around! I think not!"

Lorax glares at Onceler. " You better pack up all your shit and get the fuck out of here by nightfall. Or else...." He trails off a bit.

The Oncler laughs at the Lorax. "If you want me out, use your so-called 'mystical powers' and force me out."


"Whatever, you fake." Onceler smirks and heads back inside his tent. He runs his hands down his new thneed scarf. This will be a revolutionary invention, he could feel it.

Pipsqueak Climbs into Onceler's tent through the window and giggles softly.

Onceler's head snaps over to Pipsqueak's location. "You fucking fuck-" he stomps over and shoves Pipsqueak out.

Pipsqueak whimpers and stares up at Onceler with puppy dog eyes. "Buh...buh...buh......" He mumbles sadly.

"No mutts in my tent." He proceeds to shut the window. He plops down on his bed and strums on his guitar. "Tomorrow I'm going to sell my Thneed. I'll be rich." He smiles to himself and continues strumming.

The animals glare at the tent, then They walk off.

 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 | 𝙾𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚇𝚃𝚘𝚖 𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 |Where stories live. Discover now