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Onceler hops off his cart, glancing over at his uncle and cousins harvesting the truffula trees. He looks around for his aunt and mother, then sighs. They were probably in the RV, watching some lame ass show or whatever.

The lorax looks at the cart. "Oh great, he brought his emo boyfriend."

Onceler scowls at the Lorax. "Could you keep your mustache shut for TEN SECONDS!?"

Tom stepped off the cart. "So this is your family. No offense, but they just give off a dumbass vibe."

"Yeah, that's because they are dumbasses." Onceler sighs.

The lorax sits on the ground. "They couldn't figure out how fish were alive. -_-"

The door to the RV bursts open and Onceler's mother steps out. "OH THERE YOU ARE ONCIE!!" She yells as she squeezes Onceler.

He makes a slightly disgusted look as he steps back to breathe.

His mom turns to Tom with a look of disapproval. "Who's this."

"Tom, Tom Riddle."

His mom looks between Onceler and Tom, then steps back into the RV with a small "Hmpf."

"I just met this woman and I already want her to trip over a knife."

Onceler sighs and glares at the door to the RV. "She really has a way with people."

"I see that, she gives off snobby bitch vibes. Again, no offense."

"She is a snobby bitch." He growls and steps inside his tent.

He follows him into the tent, "Hey, think about it-when you make it and get rich you could just kick them to the curve."

Onceler nods and plops on the sofa, glancing at the truffula harvest. "I can and I will."

"They're not very good at harvesting the tufts, they're slow."

Onceler nods and grabs his sewing machine, along with tons of fluff. "They suck at it, but I rather they do it than my aunt and mother." He starts to sew a yellow Thneed.

He watches him sew and smiles. "The yellow's a nice color."

"You think so?" Onceler mutters.

"Yeah, definitely is a nice shade."

"I'll keep that in mind then."

"Have you ever thought of getting rid of the lorax so he wouldn't become a problem for your work?"

"I tried throwing my bed at him the other day, somehow he survived it." Onceler sighs and rolls his eyes.

"How in the hell did he survive that!?"

"I-I have no idea." He pauses his sewing and chuckles. "But in all seriousness, it's really fucking annoying.

"I've noticed, I feel bad for you-and it's not like he's a follower that agrees with you and isn't annoying"

"He's far from it. I don't get why he can't just disappear." Onceler slams his head on the table.

"We could put him in a box floating down a river."

"He did that to me last fucking night- he isn't stupid enough to fall for it." Onceler grumbles.

"So are you saying you are?" Tom chuckles.

"I-I was sleeping! That Cheeto looking bitch stole me from my own house!"

"Does the cheeto sleep? If so, just do what he did to you."

"I haven't seen him sleep." Onceler lifts his head and sighs.

"Hey, it's okay. You'll figure it out, I'm sure of it."

Onceler glances out his window to see the sun starting to set. His cousins and Uncle bring the harvested fluff to the door of his tent, then they head into the RV.

"I hope so." Onceler sighs.

Tom looks at the Onceler and starts sketching him in his notebook. "Do you always wear that hat?"

"It's a fedora-and yes, yes I do. The only exception is when I'm sleeping."

Tom snickers softly and looks to the side. He shakes his head. "Hmpf-okay. Whatever you say."

The Lorax scoffs and shows up in the Onceler's tent. Again. "Really? You brought the emo lady with you?"

Tom glares at the lorax. "Okay, again I'm not a fucking lady, you orange tree simp. Second-HOW IN THE FUCKING HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE!?"

Onceler slams his fist down on the makeshift table. "LORAX! OUT! I AM TIRED OF YOU BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE!" He jumps up to grab a metal spatula, then waves it in the Lorax's face. "I will BEAT your ass!"

"Ooooo, scary beanpole."

Onceler winds up the spatula, like how the baseball players wind up their bat. With all his might he whoops the Lorax across his face.

"OW! fine! Stupid beanpole." Lorax stomps out of the tent.

Onceler slams the door behind the Lorax, then plops down on the couch.

Tom turns towards the Onceler. "You okay there? He seems to get under your skin pretty easily."

Onceler chucks the spatula at the counter, barely missing Tom's face. "Perfectly fine." He grumbles and pulls his blanket over him.

Tom puts his hand on Onceler's shoulder, "Why do you let that peanut get under your skin?"

"It's not like I can control it. Whenever the mutt bugs me I beat its fur off, per usual." Onceler rolls his eyes and sighs. "I'm sick of hearing Lorax's drama. To think it was all because I chopped a single tree down."

"Have you ever thought about just exterminating fur-face?"

"Have you seen how that mutt seems to, well, teleport everywhere?! It's not like I can exterminate a 'mystical being'."

"Well yes, but like, chucking him off a cliff in a box-just throwing out ideas. However, you'll never be able to get work done with it around."

"Not like he'll be able to stop it. Just look at the size of that thing- he's barely two feet." Onceler lays down and rests his legs on Tom's lap.

Tom smiles, "True, you have a point there." He sighs.

Onceler shrugs. "I guess so."

 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 | 𝙾𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚇𝚃𝚘𝚖 𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora