Sophie- Dex Finally Makes an Appearance

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"Amy!" Sophie called, racing down the stairs in her pajamas, her hair half brushed and a hairbrush in her hand. She had woken up fifteen minutes after her alarm had sounded, and rushed around looking for her schoolbooks until she texted Marella in a panic, who told her they were most likely in her locker.

"Amy, have you seen my uniform?" Sophie asked when she spotted her at the kitchen island. Amy had been sitting there when Sophie had gotten home last night, it seemed to be her favourite spot. 

Amy looked at her weirdly. "Sophie, you don't have a uniform. Remember?" she shook her head. "This amnesia thing is getting weird. No, scratch that, it was always weird." She looked at Sophie. "Have you told Grady or Edaline yet?" she asked. 

Sophie sighed. "No," she admitted. "But Marella and Linh are taking me to see Doctor Elwin. They're also helping me with... some other stuff." She didn't feel like telling Amy about her theory about the Neverseen. Amy would probably think she was crazy(well, crazier than she already thought Sophie was). Amy shooed her away. "Go get dressed. Dex'll be here in, like,  fifteen minutes." 

Sophie raced upstairs, swallowing the dozens of questions that were floating around in her mind. Dex? It seemed like Human Sophie got picked up by different people every day. 

At least it isn't Fitz again she thought as she pulled a hoodie with some sort of kitten design on the front over her head I don't know if I could deal with him alone. 

Sophie wolfed down more colourful, sugary cereal before tugging on a pair of navy Converse she found in her room. 

"When's Dex supposed to get here?" Sophie asked Amy, hopping around on one foot trying to lace up her shoe while slinging her backpack over her shoulder. 

"Ten minutes ago." Amy replied, typing furiously on her phone.

Sophie sighed and sat down at the kitchen island, tugging at her eyelashes. 

"I don't remember him being this late before," She said, pulling out an eyelash and flicking it away. "From what I remember, he was usually pretty punctual..."

Amy shrugged. "Yeah but you have amnesia." she said, looking back down at her phone. 

Sophie nervously started tugging a another eyelash when the doorbell rang. She hopped up out of her stool, waving goodbye to Amy, who grunted in response, and tugged open the door. 

"It would be much easier to have a remote I could use to ring the doorbell from the bottom of your drive, or an app, that would be much easier, if everyone had wireless doorbells with apps that could connect up to it so people could ring your doorbell from further away..."

Dex stood in her drive, the September sunlight turning his denim shirt a bright blue. 

Sophie smiled, leaning against the door frame. "Hello to you too, Dex," she said. She had missed her best friend.

Dex shifted his bag on his shoulder. "Uh, hi." He shuffled his feet awkwardly. "So, what do you think of the app idea? Yes or no?"

Sophie hopped down from the door. "Talk me through your idea on the way to school." She said, striding down her drive. 

Dex hurried after her. "Alright, but first, tell me; how did you talk your boyfriend out of driving you to school?"

Sophie pulled at an eyelash. "Uh, he and I aren't really on the best of terms at the moment... but it's fine. I think."

Dex nodded. "He is hot, though. I mean-" his face turned an almost neon red as he muttered an unintelligible response. 

Sophie smiled and tried to change the subject to spare Dex the embarrassment. 

"So, doorbell." she said.

Dex's face lit up, still tinted slightly pink. "Yes!" he seemed grateful to be talking about something that didn't make him stutter and blush. "Well, I was thinking, if it was like a big red button on the screen, and I could hook it up to..."


Dex, luckily, had the same first period class as Sophie. 

Sophie was incredibly jumpy in the corridors, ducking her head when she spotted any blond or brown-haired teenage male. She almost ducked into an open locker when she spotted what she was sure was Fitz, but turned out to be the caretaker. Calm down, Sophie she told herself. You're going to have to speak to him at lunch, anyway. 

Dex looked at her from across his biology notes. "Are you okay?" he whispered, glancing at the teacher- one she didn't recognize, but she had spotted Lady Galvin teaching a chemistry class, and was glad that Other Sophie hadn't taken Chemistry.

"You've been really jumpy all morning." Dex scribbled down something random to seem like he was paying attention. 

"Kind of... I just had a really weird day yesterday," was Sophie's hushed response. 

Dex jotted down something else on his refill pad. "Are you alright?" he asked softly. 

"I-" Sophie started, then stopped. Now that she thought about it, yeah, she was alright(or, at least better than she was yesterday). With a plan she could follow and Marella and Linh on her side, she was alright. 

"Yeah," she whispered confidently, lowering her voice when the teacher glared in their direction. "I'm okay now." 

Dex looked at her, clearly not one hundred percent convinced. Damn it, Dex knew her too well!

Dex started to say something, but was drowned out by the ringing of the bell marking the end of first period. Sophie dug a paper timetable out of her pocket, and smiled at Dex as she immersed herself into the throngs moving through the corridors.

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