Chapter 12:Gender Reveal Party

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Emma's POV
       We just arrived and it's already so pretty I mean all of the his military partners are there and I'm just so excited. It's gonna be awesome I'm still can't believe it.
If I'm being honest I don't care what the genders are I just want them to be safe and taken care of but I guess all I can wish for is the hope that they will always be there by my side and that he will always be there to.
Everyone looked amazing they were all dressed to impress which they really didn't need to be especially because it's just a get together for me snd s baby shower with gender reveals and it's honestly not that big of a deal.
I'm sure it May heard this she would tackle me like a Karen saying "THIS IS THE WORLDS MOST IMPORTANT THING". But what can you do it about i love her and I love her brother.
I was looking at the gift table that we had set up and realized that they had set up another one next to it for more gifts. I really like the gifts the only thing we asked was that everyone brought diapers because well everyone knows you need a lot of diapers.
        The gifts were over flowing so I was to scared to look in the homemade card box I made. Everything was perfect and I couldn't wait to find out the genders there was 4 balloons each of us had the same but we had to pop them together. We each had the gender of baby a on the right and baby b on the left.
          Everyone lined us as we stood there taking deep breaths. May told us to pop baby a's and when we did he was a boy. When we got to baby b I couldn't hold myself together and started crying I didn't look up until I heard the balloon pop and gasps filling the room.
             I looked up and saw pink confetti going every meaning it was a girl. I was having a baby girl and a baby boy! I couldn't believe it this is everything I wanted and I'm only 18 but so far I couldn't have asked for a better life.
            Benji was running around with cousins and friends laughing and talking and I was happy he was settling in okay. Benji is my world he's my little brother my little man the bro I've always wanted. The only thing that made me happier was knowing the Caleb loved Benji almost as much as I did so I knew Benji would be safe if anything happened to me.
          We walked around and talked for a while before they had us all gather round so we could do gifts I wasn't extremely excited because well I didn't need all of this stuff. Sure I made a regristry but that's because May forced me too.
           I got everything from a crib , to strollers , baby bottles , pacis, clothes , teething toys , and so much more. We decided we would open all the cards at home though because it was about 5 in the afternoon and Benji was already sleeping on a couch in the room next door.
          As people started leaving some of them handed me more cards they said it was from distant relatives or something a little extra. I couldn't believe it I was so worried that they wouldn't want to be with me because I had sex once and I got  pregnant. I can't really explain the love I feel for Caleb but I hope one day he will propose maybe and we can be a family of 5.
      I heard a few noises so I turned around and saw Caleb with two little kittens in a cage with small pillows , blankets , and toys. Caleb said that he meant to give me them earlier but they were out like a light.
      Caleb said they were newborns about 2 weeks old and the mother had died during birth so they are special needs because they suffered some issues after the birth.
       At that point I had enough I just dropped to the ground sobbing it was all to much they had given me to much. I couldn't except the gifts the money or the cards because I didn't deserve it. They didn't even know if I was gonna be a good mom. I'm not gonna lie I think deep down I knew everything would be okay but I just at that moment couldn't except that as a possibility.
       I heard shuffles and words but everything was muffled and felt like it was disappearing like my whole world was crumbling in but I couldn't put my finger on it what was making that sound. It made no sense but it was like a ringing in my ears as everything became quiet and cloudy as the world drifted away.
       There wasn't much but I could here a faint sound of a siren but at that point I wasn't sure how far gone I really was because all I felt was numbness. It's like I wasn't even there I felt as light as air and I wasn't sure if I wanted to fight. Did I want to live? Do I want to be a mother at 18?
       It wasn't until I heard the world I love you that I knew I needed to keep on fighting I needed to not give up because there are people out there who need me. Hell there are people in me that need me I'm not going down without a fight because I am a strong women and hell I'm gonna be a mother and a pretty damn good one to.
      My thoughts couldn't burn me down because I was stronger then I ever knew I was always there and I was always powerful but I couldn't keep fighting right that second I just needed to close my eyes and go to sleep and I know that if I fault I would wake up.
     So that's what I did I went to sleep and let the darkness consume me.

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