4. Crazy People

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Harry's POV

Percy seemed rather close to Malfoy. (Do you ship?) Maybe since he was a Death Eater they were friends. I couldn't believe I thought Percy was a good guy.

I was in DADA. Our teacher Mr. Fredmill was pretty good. He wasn't a crazy one like all the others. Percy was practicing expelliarmus. Since he was a newly found wizard he wasn't as high of a level as us.

The crazy thing was how well he was doing. I saw Mr. Fredmill teaching Percy. "Percy flick your wand and say 'bombarda'." Percy nodded. "Bombarda!" He exploded all three vases. The class clapped, though I was just shocked. That was a perfect bombarda. I practiced it for a week before getting it.

Percy went out of class grinning. The Quidditch match against Hufflepuff was today. Percy was watching from the stands. Him and Hermione were watching us excitedly. Well at least Hermione was. Percy looked like he was about to die.

They started the game. I went after the snitch. Ryan Flenn was their seeker. I spotted the snitch near the stands. I followed it with Ryan on my tail. I zipped through under. I reached out, and Ryan collided into me. The snitch disappeared again.

I flew out to watch the game. Gryffindor was winning by ten. I smiled. I noticed Ryan stopped following me. I saw him behind the snitch. I flew over and pushed him before he could get it.

He almost fell off. He looked furious. I smirked and flew to where the snitch last was. My mouth dropped open at what I saw. Hermione was trying to get my attention. Well the entire Gryffindor stand was.

The snitch landed on Percy's shoulder. Ryan and I saw it, and we zipped away. The teams were tied. There were twenty seconds left. Once I got a few feet close it left. I saw the snitch at Ravenclaw stand.

I saw before Ryan, and got there first. I was about to zoom forward when my scar started burning. No that couldn't happen. He was dead. I fell forward from pain. The snitch was in my hands. I was on the ground.

"Harry Potter caught the snitch with a second on the clock. Gryffindor wins!" Our stand cheered. The staff finally realised something was wrong. They came over with Hermione, Ron, and Percy in tow.

Dumbledore asked first. "Harry, what's wrong?" I touched my forehead. It still burned. "Sir... I think he's back." Everyone there immediately turned terrified. Percy wasn't as scared, but I think he got it.

Dumbledore amplified his voice. "Children. We will be increasing our protections. Please pay better attention in Defense Against The Dark Arts. If you need to know why... Voldemort is back." The students broke into whispers. The Slytherin looked worried. I wouldn't be surprised if Malfoy was already ready for this fight.

The next day the kids were looking gloomier. The entire school was feeling Dark from the news. Before lunch the worst thing happened. Voldemort showed up. A little Slytherin found him calling my name at the front of Hogwarts with ten Death Eaters around him.

The rest of Dumbledore's Army showed up. We disbanded after the war. Now we were back. We had anyone under 14 behind us. If you were over fifteen you fought. Below, you're not. We can't risk lives that young.

The teachers, The DA, the other fighters, and I walked up to him. I was in front with the teachers. Snape went first. "How are you alive? Potter killed you himself." Voldemort cackled. An evil humourless laugh. "Yes he did. Well done Harry, but I'm back. Now I'm more devoted to killing you Harry."

The DA gripped their wands tighter. I stepped up. "How'd you come back! We destroyed every horcrux! We have better defenses now. We'll beat you again!"

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