5. Get My Love

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Percy POV

I hate detention. I got in a minute late, but there was no one there. I sighed and slipped into the closest chair. I would have left, but I knew the wizards would know. I zoned out as a girl walked in.

I turned and scrunched my nose. Gabbi. Out of all the people to have detention with. Her. She smiled then sat in the seat next to me. "S-so what do you want to do?"

I guess I could hang out with her. "Don't know. Maybe just talk?" She nods enthusiastically. I smile, maybe I should ask her out... wait. What was I just thinking? I love Annabeth. I'll meet her in Elysium when the time is right.

She starts talking. "Well I'm Gabbi. I'm a pure-blood, and I like troublemakers you know." She leaned closer to me. Part of me said to stay there, and the other part was screaming lean away.

I stayed. "Cool. I'm Percy as you know. I don't think I'm a pure-blood. I like blue food." She frowned. Maybe she expected me to say what type I like, like she did. "So Percy, how do you know the Golden Trio?" "Oh. Harry's my cousin. I didn't know until recently."

She smirked a little. I swear she did. Now I scooted towards her. The other part of me was saying what a Seaweed Brain I was. We talked about some small things like family, and class.

At the end I didn't know what was happening when I started. "Hey Gabbi. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

Before a breath could even pass she jumped up. "Yes! Yes! Yes! How about tomorrow? We don't have classes." I nod as most of my brain tries to fight these feelings.

"That works. See you then!" I leave, and wave at her. She waves right back.

Gabbi  POV

I couldn't believe the potion worked! I had a date with PERCY JACKSON. Who knew it was possible. Then he was also Harry Potter's cousin. Which meant even more fame.

I ran out of detention, and met my friends at the lake. I fiddle with Percy's wand. He hasn't noticed it is gone yet. I strut to my friends in a circle. I stop and look at them with a smirk. "Guess who got a date with Percy Jackson?"

They all stare at me with mixed faces. They were filled with confusion, anger, jealousy, amazement, and respect.

My best friend Gwen is the first to regain her senses. "I can't believe it! When is it? OMG, every other girl is gonna be so jealous!"

I smile. "Our date is tomorrow. You want to help me pick an outfit?" She nods furiously. We walk back together leaving a very stunned group of girls behind us.

Harry POV

While Percy was in detention we took the chance to see what he was up to. I look at a small pile of pictures hidden under his pillow. "Hey Ron, Hermione. Look at these."

We scan the pictures. One was of Percy with a blonde princess and a curly haired kid. Ron speaks up. "Who are those people? Look at their shirts. It says 'Camp Half-Blood'."

I look at 'Mione. Half-Blood wasn't a word she liked. We move onto the next picture. It had the same girl and Percy, but with a punk looking teen girl. Percy was pointing at something as the blonde hugged the scary teen.

"Harry, Ron. That girl with gray eyes seems important. She's in most of these pictures." We nod. The next picture was of all four of them. Percy and the special girl were side by side each with matching gray streaks in their hair. The punk and curly hair dude had their tongues at the camera.

My Wizarding Cousin (Harry Potter and Percy Jackson Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now