Chapter Eleven ⚠️

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⚠️Smut/Sin included at the end of this chapter. Marked by 🔥 ⚠️

Adrien waited until the corridor was clear before dragging Marinette down the emergency stairwell. Neither spoke a word as they made it to the alleyway outside the building. Marinette wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm. The snow was falling thick and fast creating a deep white blanket over the ground. Adrien took his jacket off and placed it around Marinette's shoulders. After all, being a cat kept his body temperature quite stable.

"He's the guy from my first year fashion class. You know the one who kept staring at me?" Adrien nodded his head. He remembered him well, he'd caught him a few times going after different girls in the class. One of those times he'd attempted to lock himself and Marinette in the fabric room. Luckily Adrien was there to put a stop to it. He seemed to have a thing for Marinette, and just wouldn't take no for an answer.

"You're coming back to mine!" He demanded, grabbing his phone out his pocket.

"Do I not get a choice in this? I am quite capable of looking after myself."

"Hey Tom, you and Sabine need to move to the safe house ... she's here with me ... I'll keep her as safe as I can ... get Kim to text me what's happening." Adrien ended the call and placed his phone in his pocket. "Come on, let's get moving."

"Hang on! Firstly was that my papa you were on the phone too? And secondly what makes you think I'm coming with you?" He grabbed her upper arm and started to drag her out the alleyway. "Get off me! I can look after myself."

"I'm not saying you can't." Adrien responded, still dragging the stubborn woman out of the alleyway.

"Adrien, stop!"

"Mari, your life is on the line. It's my job to make sure you're protected whatever the cost, and as this isn't an akuma I think you should take my lead just for once." He scratched the back of his neck, knowing full well he'd just said way too much.

She stared into his green eyes and a recognition of something shot through her body. Had they been in this position before? She felt she could trust him, actually not so much trust as devote her life to him. Something flashed in her head, making her stumble back a couple of steps.

Mari, m'lady ... I will do anything for you. I'm just so happy you are both my girlfriend and my partner, and I hope one day we can be more.

She blinked out of it as he scooped her up, like a small child, and began to run. Clutching his neck with her arms and burying into his warmth she felt safe. For the first time in months she felt whole. He was her missing piece, her other half. She could feel it. Which meant only one thing ...

Suddenly Adrien dived to the floor. The sounds of gun shots were heard, followed by sirens. Adrien quickly looked over his shoulder seeing the predator getting closer to its pray. Adrien continued to roll them through the freezing snow until they were in an alley way.

"You and me against the world?" Adrien questioned Marinette.

She looked up at him and suddenly everything made sense again, it was coming back to her. Her Kwagatama around her neck let off a faint pink glow. It looked as though it was breathing, the colour fading in and out of the darkness.

"As always." She whispered without thought.

Adrien looked at her necklace and suddenly an idea came to the forefront of his mind.

"M'lady, you need to say the words?" Marinette gulped staring at Adrien knowing for sure now that he was none other than her kitty. "Please, Princess, we don't have a lot of time." A gunshot was heard again followed by shouting, screaming and the screech of car tires.

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