The Children!

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There was a man named Sir Reginald Hargreeves who adopted seven children who all had special abilities, number one's name is Luther he was super strong and number two's name is Diego whenever he threw a knife it would always hit his target no matter where they were and number threes name is Allison she would say I heard a rumor and then she would give them a command and they would do it and number fours name is Klaus he could contact the dead and  Number fives name was just five he could time travel and do space jumps and number six's name was Ben he is dead now but he had tentacles he used them to kill bad people and number sevens name is Vanya and she is ordinary.

When five was thirteen years old his father would not let him time travel so five left and time traveled alone but it went wrong and five got stuck in the future. In the future five saw what he couldn't imagine, five saw his father unleashing a deadly disease into the world but he started with his children but only two of his children but five didn't know who.

When all the kids were little they treated Luther differently because he was different, Luther was part ape because he was sent on a dangerous mission and he lost the battle and nearly died, his father came up with a new serum that would save his life but would make him part ape.

Diego was his fathers greatest disappointment because he never learned when to stop and then everyone learned the truth, Diego got kicked into a room were he could no longer hurt anyone like he hurt five before he left. Before five left Diego got into a fight with him and Diego took one of his knifes and slashed his ankle open right before five left.

Allison and Vanya are best friends and decided to move out together and live in New York City were they could forget there past. When they moved out they made sure that one person stayed in case five ever came home and then left to live there happy little life.

When five left Klaus was very upset because him and five had a great bond that was unbreakable, so Klaus decided that he would be the one to stay and wait and hope that five would come home some day!

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