Birthday Girl

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I was wrong about Misti. I couldn't figure out why, but the next day she was super nice to me. She asked how my date went and even gave me advice. I was beginning to feel like I was in the twilight zone by the time she left with Jerri later in the day. Amber came over shortly after to hear all the details.

"Ok, tell me everything," she said plopping down on my bed.

"It was nice," I smiled.

"Nice? That's all I'm going to get? I don't think so!" she complained.

"Ok, it was more than nice. It was unreal!" I said laughing. "He was such a gentleman, Amber. It was just like in the movies. He opened my doors for me, held my hand, stayed by my side the entire night and even took me this friend's house that was having a party."

"Which friend?" she asked.

"Travis Woodard, you know him. He graduated the same year as Rick and Hamilton."

"That's right. Please tell me Rick wasn't there."

"Not at first. But he and Misti showed up," I said.

"Shut up! Did she die? What did she say?"

"Not a lot, she tried to get me alone and I knew she was going to lay into me but Hamilton said that he needed me with him. It was like he knew it was a bad idea and got me out of there. Like I said, a perfect gentleman."

"Wow," Amber sighed. "I can't believe that. I never really spent much time with those guys other than running into them when I hung out with your sister and Jerri. But I never heard anyone call Hamilton a gentleman. Did he try anything?"

"Not really. I kissed him before he had a chance to," I replied. "Then we both kind of got into it and it was so nice."

"Would you please stop saying nice?"

"But it was!" I insisted

"I'm sure. Are you going to see him again? Did he ask you out again?" she asked.

"I think so. He said he would call me. I really want to. I know the timing may be weird but I really do think I could like him."

"That is the scariest thing I've heard in a long time."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he's Hamilton! You know, he has a whore light in his truck," she offered.

"A what?"

"It's a red light under his dash that lights up his whole cab. Did you not see it?" When I didn't answer she continued. "I guess not. Well, they say when Hamilton is on the make or whatever, he turns on this light and the guys call it a whore light. When he turns it off, they know he's found his conquest for the night."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," I said.

"It's gross, but they say it's true. I'm just warning you. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I don't think anyone could hurt me the way Josh has and I'm ready to move on."

"Believe me, I want to see you move on and stop that insanity, but I want it to be with the right guy. I mean, do you really see Hamilton holding his interest in a 16-year-old for long?"

"I'm going to be 17 next month!" I argued. "I know what you mean and you might have a point, but I would hate myself if I didn't give it a chance."

"Fair enough. I'll shut up. Speaking of your birthday, you so have to have a party!"

"I agree. I've already thought about it. It is on a Thursday and we have a game Friday night, but I was thinking Saturday would be perfect. I have to run it by Misti and make sure my mother is working but I really want to have one. Do you think Jon will come with you?"

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