A Promise

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The choir show went perfectly. No, it was better than perfect. My mom was there and so was Misti. She was there for Jerri more than me, but it was nice anyway. The choir sounded wonderful and when Alyssa, Jerri and I performed our solos, I was amazed at the perfect blend of our voices. I think it was better than any rehearsal we ever had. When we finished there was thunderous applause, so much in fact, that Mrs. Tyndall had to prolong the break between our ending and the next song beginning.

Up on stage, it's easy to fall into your own world. The lights hit your eyes just enough so you can't see the entire audience and the pace moving along prevents you from getting too nervous. After we finished and stepped back up on the bleachers, I was in heaven. No more nerves, only my love for singing. I'd always escaped with music and this was no exception. When we had our final curtain call and the audience could no longer see us on the stage, everyone crowded around to congratulate each other on an excellent job.

"We so nailed that," Jerri smiled.

"I can't believe it's over," Alyssa said sadly.

"I know I could do this every night," I agreed.

"Well thanks for making me look good for my last concert," Jerri said.

"Don't remind me!" I whined. "You're amazing and you know it, you don't need us."

"Bryonna, I've been meaning to apologize for not coming to your party. My mom wouldn't let me out of the house," offered Alyssa.

"It's cool. Maybe next time," I said.

"Sure," she said.

"We better get out there. Are you and Misti going out tonight?"

"Yeah, Misti wants to see Travis."

"I'm supposed to hook up with Hamilton so I'll ask him if he knows where he is. Even if I think it is a horrible idea."

"Tell me about it," Jerri agreed.

"I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Did you tell her?"

"Right, cause Misti listens to advice so well," Jerri smiled.

"Right." I chuckled as we walked into the auditorium. I spotted my mom waving and couldn't believe my eyes. Hamilton was standing beside her and Misti!

"Hey," he said when I managed to walk to them.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I couldn't miss your big night," he smiled.

"You sounded beautiful, Bryonna. Both of you did," Mom said including Jerri.

"You can cut it out with the shocked face, Bryonna," Misti spoke up finally.

"Sorry. I just can't believe you're here," I said still looking at Hamilton.

"We had a date, didn't we?"

"Yes. Thank you, Hamilton. Thanks for coming."

"No problem," he said hugging me.

"I'm going to head home. Do you still need a ride, Bryonna?" Mom asked.

"I think I'm covered," I said smiling. "Thanks Mom, I'm glad you came."

"You're welcome. Don't be out too late, ok?"

"I'll take care of her, I promise," Hamilton offered.

"Are you ready, Misti?" Jerri asked.

"Yeah, let's get out of here." She did not even say bye.

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