In the Beginning

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Dean is following John Winchester,  As he turns a corner, Dean bumps into Castiel and he asks "What is this?" Castiel says "What does it look like?" Dean asks "Is it real?" Castiel says "Very." Dean asks "Okay, so what? Angels got their hands on some DeLoreans? How did I get here?" Castiel says "Time is fluid, Dean and It's not easy, but we can bend it on occasion." Dean says "Well bend it back or tell me what the hell I'm doing here!" Castiel says "I told you, you have to stop it." Dean asks "Stop what? Huh? What, is there something nasty after my Dad?" Dean  turns as a car horn sounds and when he turns back, Castiel is gone, Dean says "Oh, come on! What, are you allergic to straight answers, you son of a bitch?!" 

John is talking to a Car Salesman and he says "A fine young man like yourself, just starting out? How about I take off another 250?" John  considers it for a moment and says "Let's do it." The Car Salesman says "I'll get the paperwork." John walks over to the front of a beige VW van and rubs the headlights and Dean says "That's not the one you want." Dean is leaning on a '67 Chevy Impala and John asks "You following me?" Dean says "No, no, I was just passing by I never got to thank you for that cup of coffee this morning and I was a little out of it." John says "More than a little." Dean says "Let me repay the favor." Dean pats the hood of the Impala, he says "This is the one you want." John nods his head and looks slightly nostalgic and says "Yeah... yeah, my Dad taught me everything I know." Dean says "And this – this is a great car." Dean  opens the hood of the Impala and leans in. John  joins him on the side of the car and Dean says "327 four barrel, 275 horses. A little TLC and this thing is cherry." 

John says "You know man, you're right." Dean  nods over his shoulder at the van and asks "Then what are you buying that thing for?" John says "I kinda promised someone I would." Dean says "Over a '67 Chevy? I mean, come on, this is the car of a lifetime. Trust me, this thing's still gonna be badass when it's 40." John considers it for a moment and hold out his hand to Dean and says "John Winchester, thanks." Dean shakes his hand and says "Dean Van Halen – and thank you." John looks in the open windows of the Impala and Dean says "I was in pretty rough shape this morning, huh?" John says "No kidding." 

Dean says "I've been hung over before but, hey, I was, I was getting chills in that diner. You didn't feel any of those cold spots, did you?" John says "Nope." Dean then asks I swore I smelled something weird too, you know? Like... like rotten eggs. You didn't happen to smell any sulfur by chance?" Again John says "No." Dean says "No... There been any cattle mutilations in town recently?" John has had enough and says "Okay, mister! Stop it." Dean says "Yeah, if only I knew what to stop. Listen, uh – watch out for yourself okay?"  John says "Yeah Sure." Dean pats the Impala and leaves, the car salesman returns and asks "So?" John says "I'll take this one."

Outside Suburban Street, John pulls up in the Impala Further down the street Dean  pulls up. He watches as a young woman runs from a house to John's car and John says "Hey." The Girl asks "What's this?" John says "My car." The Girl walks around the back of the car, and John follows her and she asks "What happened to the van?" John says "Mary, this is better than the van! This has got a 327, a four barrel carburetor." Dean says "Mom?" Outside of the diner nighttime, Mary and John are inside with milkshakes Dean watches them through a window and says "Sammy, wherever you are, Mom is a babe. I'm going to hell... again." 

Inside the diner John and Mary are sitting across from one another talking over milkshakes and John says "I should just talk to him." Mary says "My Dad's being my Dad, John. It's not you." John asks "How is it not me? He's been like this for how many years?" Mary says "He's just protective over me, that's all. He doesn't want me to –" John says "Hook up with a mechanic from a family of mechanics?" Mary says "No! Hey, I love you, for exactly what you are. I'll be right back." Mary leaves, John pulls out a small red box Inside is a ring.

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