Criss Angel is a Douchebag

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Street Daytime, Jeb Dexter  is doing card tricks for an audience and says "This, this isn't a trick, okay? I, I, I don't do tricks. This is a demonstration—about demons and angels—love and lust—" Dean says "What a douchebag." There re a Cameraperson and a Microphone person in the Audience, Jeb continues "—all that stuff mixed up in my head." Sam says "That's Jeb Dexter." I Dean says "I don't even want to know how you know that." Sam says "He's famous, kind of." Jeb "—but whatever happens, no matter how—" Dean says "For what? Douchebaggery?" Jeb "—messed up it gets, don't touch me, okay? For your own safety." 

Jeb exhales, shaking his head, then imitates something like a seizure. With one hand he grabs for the cards in his other hand and scatters them, flinging them in the direction of the window behind him "Go back to hell, demon!" The card that sticks to the window is the ace of diamonds and Jeb drags his hand over the card to show that it's on the far side of the glass " Is this your card?" Applause Sarah says "You've got to be kidding me. A fake demon possession?" 

Dean and Sarah heads away and Sam follows, Dean says " I can't believe people actually fall for that crap." Sam says "It's not all crap." Dean says "What part of that was not—a steaming pile of BS?" Sam says "Okay, that was crap, but that's not all magicians, It takes skill." Dean says "Oh, right, right, I forgot. You were actually into this stuff, weren't you? I mean, you had, you had, like a deck of cards and a wand." Sam says "SAM Dude, I was thirteen. It was a phase." Sarah says "Just—it bugs me. You know, playing at demons and, and magic, when the real thing will kill you bloody, but one time i was into magic as well, even had a costume I was the assistant." Before Dean could even responded to what Sarah said, Sam says "Like a guy who drops dead of ten stab wounds—, without a single tear in his shirt?" Dean says "That's what I'm talking about."

Inside the Hotel Room Daytime, Vance's assistant tosses a bunch of metal rings into a mostly-packed trunk

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Inside the Hotel Room Daytime, Vance's assistant tosses a bunch of metal rings into a mostly-packed trunk. She turns to face Sarah, Sam and Dean. Dean asks "So did your boss have any enemies that you know of?" Assistant says "Vance had plenty of enemies." She leans down and grabs the end of a series of tied-together handkerchiefs, Sarah asks "How so?" Assistant says "He would steal from other magicians. All the time." Sam asks "What would he steal?" Assistant says "Stage effects, closeup techniques, anything he could get his hands on." Dean asks "Is that enough to get him killed?" 

Assistant says "These guys take this stuff pretty seriously." She moves a cloth off a white rabbit "There you are." She bends down to pick up and pet the rabbit, Dean asks "Did you find anything weird in Vance's stuff? Well, weirder?" Assistant says "Matter of fact, I did." She puts the bunny in a bag and pulls out a Rider-Waite tarot card: the Ten of Swords. The image on the card is of ten swords sticking out of a man's back and Sam says "I'm guessing this didn't belong to Vance." Assistant says "He hated card tricks. Never wanted them around. Let alone in his precious cape." he hands over the card. Sam looks at both sides of it: it looks like a perfectly ordinary tarot card.

Inside a Hotel Room Daytime, Jay is practicing card tricks when someone knocks on the door. He grins and goes over to open the door, then waves him in: it's Charlie and Charlie says "You gonna tell me how you did it?" Jay says "Did what?" Charlie says "You know what." Jay says "The great ones never give away the how." 

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