It's a Terrible Life

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A printer whirs and spits out a paper, A fax machine whirs and sucks in papers an automatic pencil sharpener whirs a  phone rings Sam presses a button on the phone and talks into a headset "Tech support, this is Sam Wesson. Okay. Uh, well, did you try turning it off and then on?" He pokes at a vampire bobblehead "Okay, go ahead and turn it off. No no no, just, just off. All right, give it a second. Turn it back on. Okay, is it printing now? Great. Anytime." 

Sam takes off the headset and presses a button on the phone a man at a cubicle behind Sam, the only one in the room who is not wearing the yellow uniform shirt, rolls his chair over to Sam and says "Hey." Sam says "Yo." Man asks "What do you think of Mimi?" Sam  looks over and shrugs "She's okay." Man says "Might have to hit that." Sam says "Oh, dude, that's totally age-inappropriate." Man says "Experience." 

Sam says "Trifocals." Man says "There's a MILF there, Sam. I just know it. Maybe a GMILF." Sam says to the Man "Come on." Man says "Coffee break?" Sam says "Yeah, for sure." They both get up and they pass another Man at his cubicle "Paul, Time for a refuel, buddy." Paul says "Sorry, no time." Man says "Since when? Dude, we get paid by the hour." Paul just says "Working." 

Man says "Okay

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Man says "Okay." Sam says "He seems stressed." Man says "Freaked because he got busted surfing porn on the Internet." Sam says "No, no, no way. When?" Man says "Got sent up to HR yesterday. Guess they put the fear of God in him." In the breakroom Daytime, The microwave dings and someone takes out a bag of popcorn and leaves. Sam heads for the coffee pot. 

The Man goes to a supply cabinet and starts pocketing packets of pencils "Ian Dude." Ian says "Just doing a little shopping. Running low at home." Sam hands Ian a cup of coffee "So, Sam, had any of those dreams lately?" Sam turns away "What? Don't be like that. Come on. It's the highlight of my day." Sam says "I never should have told you in the first place." Ian says "They're genius,  Don't hold out on me, dude. Share with the class." 

Sam says "You're just gonna be a dick about it." Ian says "What? No way. I won't say a word. Total respect. Go." Sam says "I dreamt that saved a Grim Reaper named Tessa from Demons." Ian  bursts out laughing. Sam looks away and sighs "Classic! How much D&D did you play when you were a kid? Oh, my—okay, so you—rescuing the Grim Reaper. That's—you're a hero. I mean, thank God we got Harry Potter here to save us all from the apocalypse." Sam says "Dick." Ian says "Wizard." Cubicle Farm, Daytime, A printer whirs and spits out a paper, A fax machine whirs and sucks in papers An automatic pencil sharpener whirs and Sam is back in his cubicle, filling out a form on a clipboard. He yawns and props his head on his hand, closing his eyes.

In the Elevator, Sam enters the elevator Dean and Sarah and a few others are there. Sam  tries not to stare at Dean and Sarah, while the elevator whirs. Ding: everyone but Sam, Sarah and Dean gets out. The elevator closes and Sam asks "Can I ask you a question?" Dean says "Look, man, I told you, I'm not into the, uh—" Sam says "Oh dude, come on, I'm not either. I just wanna ask you one question." Dean looks around; there's no escape "Sure." 

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