Monster Movie

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Dean says "We still got to see the new Raiders movie." Sam says "Me and Sarah already saw it." Dean incredulous "Without me?" Sarah says "You were in Hell." Dean says "That's no excuse." Dean looks ahead and says "Big pretzel!" Sam and Sarah both smiles and Sam shakes his head, Dean  takes three  pretzels from vendor and Dean says "Thank You." Dean hands Sam and Sarah a pretzel each and they said "Thank You." All three of them take a bite from the Pretzel and Jamie says "Guten tag." Dean with his mouth full ""Guten tag" yourself." Sam and Sarah  looks over at a man in a Sheriff uniform and Sarah says "Mmm. Looks like that's our man." Sam, Sarah and Dean walk over to the man and Sam asks "Sheriff Dietrich." Sheriff Dietrich asks "Are you the boys and girl from the fed?" Sarah says "Agent Hall, Agent Angus and Agent Young." The three of them show their badges and Sam says "We called ahead about your, uh, problem." Sheriff Dietrich says "Right. Um... I'll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh?"

 I'll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh?"

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Inside the Morgue Door opens and a body is taken out, covered with a sheet and Sheriff Dietrich draws back the sheet he says "Marissa Wright, 26

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Inside the Morgue Door opens and a body is taken out, covered with a sheet and Sheriff Dietrich draws back the sheet he says "Marissa Wright, 26. Just up from Lockhard for the 'fest. Terrible, Just terrible and It's the last thing this town needs at peak tourist season." Sam says "Definitely the last thing Marissa Wright needed." Dean turns the body's head and sees two dark puncture marks on her neck like a vampire bite "What the hell?" Sheriff Dietrich says "Yeah, you got me -- I mean this killer's some kind of grade-A wacko, right? I mean, some Satan worshipping, Anne Rice-reading, gothic, psycho vampire wannabe." Sarah says "Sheriff, in your report, you mentioned a witness." Sheriff Dietrich says "Yeah, I wished I didn't but  our witness insisted, That's Ed Brewer. Not exactly what you'd call reliable.

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