discord call

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i started getting closer with sapnap. of course we still called everyday. i loved talking to him, it was like he was my therapist- he was so kind and actually listened to me. along with talking to sapnap, i started streaming with more people on the server. specifically tubbo, tommy and wilbur. everytime i streamed the chat was filled with the same questions:


@rivalxx: are you joining l'manberg?
@jade0988: are you part of the dream smp??
@dreamteemxx: she's obviously part of the dream smp not, l'manchildberg-
lmaaanb3rg: nah she's part of l'MANberg

you were definitely part of the dream smp... bc of sapnap, but as always u said ...

"i don't really know what team i am joining, guess we'll have to see hahaha"

90% of my streams were on the server, the rest were among us and fall guys. i got pretty popular since i was active whenever sapnap was on, but also whenever niki, tubbo, tommy or wilbur was.

one day dream texted the whole gc on discord

dream- can everyone call?

                *we all say yes and join the call*

dream: hey guys
tubbo: hii
tommy: helloo
sapnap: hey man
  *we all say hi and start randomly talking*

dream: ok everyone go on the server, who is going to stream?
me: i can stream, i guess
*tubbo, tommy, dream and a few others start streaming too*

punz: why are we doing this??
me and sapnap: yeah what's happening?
alyssa: is this a joke or something haha
thunder: i hope it isn't, i was taking a nap
dream: okay guys i have something REALLY COOL planned for everyone on the smp-
karl: well what is it?
george: yeah spit it out omfg
bad: language!! but yeah dream, what is it?

dream talks to us and his stream: ok so the server has been going on for a while, and many of us haven't met yet, sooooo i was thing we could all meet up!

eret: did we really all need to go on call for this?
quackity: yeah for real
dream: shut up and let me talk, i was thinking we could rent a big house , i checked and surprisingly it wouldn't be that expensive if we all spilt the cost. A SLEEPOVER !!!!

tubbo: wait that sounds fun
skeepy: IM DOWN!!!!
purpled: yess we can all meet
badboyhalo: when would we do it
fundy: yeah, and where?
dream: we can worry about details laterrrrrr, but what does everyone think?
*we all cheer*

after talking about the sleepover for a while most people went to sleep and ended their streams. i ended the stream after about 3 hours. everyone left the discord call except for me and sapnap.

sapnap: "sooo..."
me: "yeah snapmap?"
sapnap: "if u keep calling me that, we are going to have some issues, amethyst."
i knew he hated being called snapmap. he knew i hated being called amethyst
me: haha shut uppp- don't call me thatttt, now  go on with what you were saying"
sapnap: " okay, i was just wondering.. if you- uh.. nevermind"
me: "are you sure? otherwise i have something to say"
sapnap: " it's fine go ahead"
me: " ok i think i'm might move, i feel like it's just boring, and expensive here plus there are too many toxic people her-."
sapnap: wdym toxic? do i need to beat anyone up???"

      you laugh and stalk talking about your crazy ex girlfriend AND crazy ex boyfriend. he just listened to what you were saying. every once in a while you would ask "am i talking too much?"
and he always said "no, keep talking ammie" i blushed hard whenever he said that. he actually cares about me, and cares about my life. compared to my physco exes, he was 10x better... i was getting ahead of myself, we aren't even dating and i'm comparing him to my exes?!

      whatever, i keep talking about moving "you should move to texas!" sapnap said to me. to be honest.... i liked that idea, i would be closer to everyone in general ; skeppy, sapnap and kinda by dream since he lived in florida. i mean that was all closer than i have ever been since i lived in the midwest. "yeah that would be fun" i say tiredly. we end up falling asleep on facetime, again

ok i wrote this in like 30 min so it's rly bad, imma get into some of the details that weren't explained in the chapter, in the next chapter
(sry abt there being so much dialogue) ALSO I DIDNT PROOF READ IT YET SORRY

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