My parking spot

18 0 0

Looking out the frosted over glass inside my mums old rusted car, I realised I was one more turn from school...The feeling of dread competely set in. "Mum..I dont know if I'm ready to go to a new school" I said feeling queasy. "Listen to yourself Levi, You've been off school for 6 months now, We are finally in Alaska and now you dont want to go?!...Bullshit, You're going" I fucking hated school so much back in scotland, Never mind being in an entire new country and new school...Fuck me.

My mum starts driving through the highschool car park, I could see the typical high school kids all around, Honestly it was interesting seeing all the different kinds of teens...."Finally a spot, Oh great it's right next to the door too" My mum said starting to reverse park. Mum turned the car keys and it shudders to a stop. "Alright Levi grab your bag and your paper-" My mum was suddenly cut off by a car horn*BEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP* I jumped and look over my right shoulder and see a girl with a black poloshirt on and dark red hair, In a matt black audi, beeping her horn behind my mums car. "FUCKING MOVE YOU IDIOTS, GOD" she yelled at my mum. Now my mum, Isn't the most patient person in the world, So she was pissed instantly. My mum got out the car and went over to the audis half rolled down, tinted black windows. "excuse me, I parked here first." My mum said crossing her arms beside the teenagers car. The girl instantly jumped out of her car and stood up, She stood about 5'8, Towering over me and my mum, Who are both 5ft....She got right into my mums face and said "EX-fuckin-cuse me dude, This is my spot. move." she said with a cold, Serious look on her face, She looked at me and I instantly looked away.."Ok listen honey, I'm in a rush okay?" Fucking hell I wanted to kill myself the second the word "honey" came out of my mums mouth....The girl now looked extremely pissed off and ready to beat the fuck out of us, "Hey!" I heard a guy shout behind me, I turned to see a tall blonde haired dude..."excuse me do you know this girl?" My mum said to the boy, while pointing at the angry girl. "Yes, This is Sky...This is also skys spot..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Are you here to visit the school Ma'am?" The boy asked with a thick german accent. "Oh no...Just here with my daughter Levi, It's her first day, today." She said putting her arm around me and smiling softy, Ignoring the still angry girl 'Sky' behind us..."Can you just move your fuckin' car lady, Fuck" Sky said kicking up dust with her black boots. "Relax Sky...It's an honest mistake right" The guy said smiling and crossing his arms. "Fuck you, Julian." She hissed harshly back at him, Walking away and getting back in her audi. He looked down at this feet for a second then put that same smile back on his face, This time, more forced looking...."So...whats your name?" I asked him as I got my school bag out the car. "Julian, and you are Levi!" he said walking with me towards the school. I felt someone grab my shoulder suddenly. "Honey, you be safe, and stay away from that girl Sky..." My mum warned, With a serious tone" I smiled "Mum...I'm 18 chill out." While walking towards the school I tried to play it cool infront of Julian but I knew it was awkward to have your mum drop you off at school when you're 18...I can't drive, So fuck it, I'm not walking 40 minutes to school, I'd rather have my mum drop me off in her old, dirty, yellow, bubble car.

"THERE HE ISSSS, MY FAVOURITE BOY!!" I heard a strong american accent coming from behind me and Julian, we were walking towards the school office so I could sign in. Julian turned around and so did I. I was instantly met by a tall, Brown haired, Brown eyed Man. He had a mullet and looked like he hasn't washed since the second world war. I was totally shocked to see him I fell back on my arse. "Fuck sake" I said under my breath to myself. "Sorry didn't know I was that ugly" He laughed, Hugging Julian and leaving me on the ground. Great fucking help. I got up and dusted myself off, "I'll see you later Julian." I said turning away. "Bybeye" I heard the two boys talking over eachother, In confusion I turned around. "Oh sorry we're both named Julian... Ironic right!!" mullet Julian said "Yeah ironic..." I said just dreading the rest of my life here in Alaska.."Everyone calls me Jules, Don't worry about it" Mullet Julian said. "Nice.." I said with a slight smile. "Well, I'll see you later, Julian...and Jules" I said smiling and walking towards the office by myself. Jules looked cute but I just knew he was going to be a fucking dickhead.

Finally I made it to the office, However the second I walked in there, I wish I could have just died honestly. Standing at the front desk was..Sky : D..."great!!!" I thought to myself, Cringing at the word "Honey" My mum called this Clearly alt girl, I wanted to say sorry to Sky for what my mum said to her, But I was fucking scared. All these thoughts going through my head, I didn't even notice i was starring at Sky. "What the fuck are you looking at midget?" She said huffing. "S...sorry Sky" I said looking down. "Look dude..." She said taking a deep breath in "Don't worry about it, Moms are dicks most of the time right?" she said giving an awkward smile. "haha right" I said, I wasnt sure if she was joking or not, Lord I'm awkward.

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