Chapter 5

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I do not own Megaman NT Warrior and don't intend to steal it. I'm just a person looking to write a good fanfiction.


As soon as he was done he made his way back to his work station. Where he and a few mechanics discussed the form of battle chips.

With Everyone Else

"What does he mean no visitors!?" Lan started

"I'm his operator, Shouldn't I at least get to see him!?"

Maylu approached him and put her hand on his shoulder
"Its ok Lan, We're all worried about him. Even Roll" She points to her PET

"We'll all wait until we get to visit, For now he'll need time to heal" She says and walks home

Everyone nods and follows her to go home (Of course to their own homes)

Lan sighs and walks home sluggishly. Once he arrives home he flops into his bed not even plugging in his PET

"Megaman...I hope your okay"

With Maylu And Roll

Maylu sighs and sits down on her bed. Her navi, Roll being frustrated that she couldn't visit. She could sense that her navi was angry, Just foretold by her expression and current pose

"Look Roll..." Maylu started

Roll then turned to look at her with an annoyed face

"Everyone's worried about Megaman, Its just we can't disturb him. If we do we may damage his programming, You don't want that...Do you?" Maylu said

Roll's gaze then softened and lowered her head

"Its ok Roll, Once we're able to visit we'll go right away. Ok?" Her navi smiled softly and walked over to her bed as the viewing screen dissipated. She laid on the bed face first and instantly entered dream world

With Dex

As Dex shut the door he slouched against it looking at his navi

"Gutsman. Why did you do it?" He asks

"I had to..." Was all he could hear

'That's strange, Now he doesn't say Guts at all. Not even during the match, This isn't Gutsman...' Dex thought

"Just get some rest, I'll see you later" His OP said as he charged the PET

He left shortly after closing the door behind him, Once he got into another room he quickly dialed Lan's number on a cell phone. Lan who was used to Megaman announcing everything didn't hear when the PET rang, It took a few tries before he finally noticed it ringing. He raised it to his face and spoke

"Hello this is the Hikari residence, Lan speaking" He said in a flat tone

"Oh thank goodness, I thought you wouldn't pick up" Dex said through the line

This peeked Lan's interest, As he heard his friend over the phone his tone changed to one of question

"Look I know it's not your fault. But may I ask...What happened to Gutsman earlier?" Lan asked

"He's been acting strange lately. I've even noticed that his voice had changed, He no longer says 'Guts' when he speaks" Dex replied

"Yeah I noticed that to, Do you think a bug entered his system?"

"That's what I suspect, This isn't the normal Gutsman and I intend to do something about it. But I will need your help" Dex said

Lan was shocked at Dex actually asking for help. Before he could respond he continued

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