Chapter 13

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I do not own Megaman NT Warrior and don't intend to steal it. I'm just a person looking to write a good fanfiction.


Gutsman puts his hands forward
"Come on Roll, Give me your best shot!"

Roll breathes heavily and looks over to Megaman's slumped body, She looks back at Gutsman and smiles

"I'm doing this for you Mega, Only for you!" She whispers

Her body is then engulfed in light, Nontherless...Blue light. Symbolizing Megaman is with her. Gutsman steps back, Jaw loose and body trembling he panics

"Oh gosh!" He yells to himself

"Scared?" Roll asks


"Well good! Either back off or I'll have to fire!"

Roll forms a Rollbuster in her hand (I'm not sure if that's actually one of her moves but whatever. In here it is!) And aims it directly at Gutsman

He puts his hands up and cowers from fear
"No please no!"

He starts to cry and falls to the ground in a fetal position. Roll immediately stops and her power dies down, Approaching slowly she attempts to put her hand on him

But it is slapped away...Gutsman laughs and stands up

"You fool..." He sneers

"Oh shoot" Roll says quietly

"It was all a mere trick and you fell for it!"

Roll laughs sheepishly and Gutsman steps forward, Towering over her

He grins evilly and quickly moves his hand towards her neck and grasps it. Lifting her off the ground. Roll puts her hands around Gutsman's arms to try and pry them off, But to no avail they wouldn't budge

Gutsman managed to enjoy this. Instead of going full-force and deleting her, He messes around and slowly tightens his grip

Megaman shifts awake hearing the struggle of breathing, His head cocks towards the two and he immediately readies his buster

Slowly aiming it as to not hit Roll he fires, Getting Gutsman in the back of his head

He let's Roll go immediately and she stumbles to the floor gasping for breath. Wheezing she looks at Megaman still in the corner

"...Thank you..."

Megaman nods and stands up slowly, And readies from another shot

"Why you little-" He was interrupted by another shot from Megaman

Gutsman stumbles backwards, His shots being way stronger then before

Megaman walks over and heaves Roll up who both stand together exhausted. Gutsman gets up and angrily marches toward them

"I've had enough from all of you!"

"Come here!" He grabs Megaman by the arm and starts to twist it the opposite way around, Hearing his screams of agony Roll shoves him away with a powerful shot from her buster

Gutsman stumbles back and turns towards them

"Alright, Who wants to go first!?"

None of them reply and Gutsman laughs

He grabs both of them by their necks and starts choking them, Both Megaman and Roll look toward each other squirming around

"Roll, I'm so sorry!" Megaman wheezes

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