Chapter 14

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I do not own Megaman NT Warrior and don't intend to steal it. I'm just a person looking to write a good fanfiction.

ALRIGHT! I'M FIRED UP! I'm excited because I might be getting the manga and Battle Network soon. I've read a lot of good stuff about them


Roll rushes towards his link as quickly as possible

"I'm sure Lan has a chip or something!" She says to herself

Lan was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. His head turning ever so slightly to gaze at the clock


He jerks his head up and looks to the PET. There standing Roll with Megaman in her arms

"What happened to you guys!?" Lan rushes towards the PET and graps it tightly

"Gutsman! Megaman was shooting him and his buster gun exploded! Do you have a chip or something!?"

Lan shakes his head and waves his hand "We're lucky I do! But Gutsman?" He questions and inserts a 30% healing chip

Megaman's helmet glows briefly and his body regenerates. Now him only being unconscious, He's not in terrible shape

"Yeah...He came back, But Mega's explosion was enough to snap the bug out of him. He's fine now. But I'll bet he's feeling terrible"

Lan pauses and backs up falling onto his bed
"I'll call Dex."

Roll sighs and puts down Megaman on his bed. She hesitantly reaches for his emblem as his body shakes. Her hand rests on top of him as she hums a tune, His internal structures returning to normal as his chest glows. While Roll continued to heal the rest of him.

Lan reaches for his regular phone and quickly dials Dex. On the opposite side Gutsman is slumped in the corner of his PET

"Gutsu. Phone..."

"From who?" Dex questions. Gutsman looks down and sighs "Lan." Dex picks it up without a thought

"Is Gutsman okay?" Was the first thing Lan said

"To be completely honest with you. He feels terrible. Genuinely terrible."

Lan sighs "I expected much...Can I speak to him?"

"Yeah" Dex answers and closes himself out, Leaving Gutsman in the screen

"I'm so sorry de Gutsu..." He cries

"Gutsman...It's not your fault." Lan pauses "It was a bug. Everything's gonna be okay" He reassures

Gutsman nods slowly
"Guts Guts-May I speak to Megaman and Roll?

"Megaman is unconscious but Roll is here. Let me allow entry" Lan says and allows access. He backs away from the PET to give them space

Roll looks up to the entrance where bits of pieces of data form. Resembling Gutsman she stands up and marches closer to him


Tears start to fall from his face
"Guts...Guts is sorry" He mumbles through his crying

Roll closes her eyes and bows her head, Gently putting her hand on his shoulder. She hesitates before speaking
"It's okay Gutsman. I forgive you"

The barbaric navi smiles through his tears and hugs Roll tightly. So tightly that she squirms around and struggles to breathe
"Alright..." She says her voice choked

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