Chapter 6

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I do not own Megaman NT Warrior and don't intend to steal it. I'm just a person looking to write a good fanfiction.


Roll opened her eyes slowly, As she looked around she tried to stand up. Her room was ice cold, Literally. Most pieces of data furniture were covered in ice. Even the floor was starting to turn to ice! Roll looked around with an alarmed face

"Maylu!" She shouted

Her OP just stirred in her sleep, Not even hearing the cries of her navi

"Shoot! It must be on mute" Roll said weakly. She shivered as she looked around, The only problem was that she couldn't move. She curled into a ball still shouting Maylu's name, Even knowing it was if no use

With Lan

As usual Lan is sleeping, His navi tried continues times to wake him up. But to no avail Megaman just gave up and left. He logged onto the net without assistance, A smile tugging on his face as he made his way over to Maylu's PET. His happiness slowly faded into nervousness as he stood near the link

Eventually he mustered up the courage to enter the link, Luckily the security wasn't on so he could get in without permission. As he appeared in the entrance way his eyes widened taking in his surroundings, After looking around he spotted Roll quickly running to her side

"Roll!" He shouted kneeling beside her

She didn't respond, She was out cold (Pun not intended)

Megaman picked her up and shook her shoulders yelling her name

"Roll, Wake up! Roll! Roll!!!" He yelled

He looked around in fear as he started to freeze to, Before he could escape with Roll in his arms something strange happened. It started to warm up, Much to Megaman's relief. But it kept going, The temperature rising higher and higher then ever before!

Megaman panted as he fell to his knees, He put Roll down as he collapsed. After lying in the barren heat Roll stirred awake, She groaned as she sat up. As she looked around her eyes widened in fear as she saw her comrade on the floor

"Mega!" She yelled and slowly made her way over. He opened his eyes slowly and exhaled from relief

"Roll...Your awake. I can't move..." He said weakly

Roll moved over to pick him up, The temperature not affecting her because she still has to heat up. She lifted Megaman up and put his arm over her shoulder, As she slowly exited the PET tears started to fall from her eyes. Clearly exhausted from carrying him, She set him down outside the PET and fell down to the floor

"Your...heavy" She said between breaths

Megaman smiled
"If only I could move, I would hug you right now for saving me"

"Mega...You don't have to thank me. I thank you for waking me up, If you weren't there I would have..." She pauses realizing what she's saying

"Its ok Roll, But I'm afraid you won't be able to go in your PET for a while" Megaman says as he looks at the link

"It might be a day or two for that to thaw out..."

Roll sighs
"Don't worry about that. Let's just get you home...Good thing your link isn't that far away" She says taking a deep breath

"Wha-" Megaman says but is interrupted by Roll picking him up, This time she managed to hold him by bridal style (But in this case she's holding a dude) and starts to walk to the link. As Roll kept her head straight Megaman looked up at her and smiled blushing slightly.

A few minutes later Roll reached Megaman's link and entered inside. Lan looking around frantically sighed from relief seeing him being held by Roll

"Megaman, Where were you!? And what happened!?" Lan asked with a worried/angered tone

"Its a long story, But I can't move" His navi says

Lan sighs
"Its fine. At least your ok"

"Uhm Lan..." Megaman looks at him with a pleading face

Lan turns and looks at him with a surprised face
"Yes Megaman?"

"Could..." He says clearing his throat

"Could Roll stay here? Her PET is frozen and it will take at least a day for it to thaw" Megaman says in a hopeful tone

Roll looked taken aback then looked at Megaman with a 'Are you sure?' face. He nodded and Roll smiled softly

"Sure she can, Anything for you two lovebirds" Lan says jokingly

Both Megaman and Roll blush look away from each other. Megaman's face then turns into a flustered look
"Quit it Lan, I'll say something if you don't stop." Megaman teased

"Say what?" Lan said slyly

"I'll tell Maylu you like her" Megaman smirked, Roll started to snicker and Lan froze
"Don't you dare!" He said pointing at the two

"I won't, But you have to stop teasing us!" His navi demanded. Roll nodded and set him down on a couch.

"Alright alright, I'll stop. But you better not tell her" He grumbled

Roll sat beside Megaman as he started to whisper, Roll giggled at his response

"What...What are you two saying!?" Lan asks with an annoyed look

"Nothing you need to know" Megaman said and looked at him with a smile

With Maylu

Maylu awoke with a snort, Looking around in an angered fashion she called for her navi

"Roll, Why didn't you wake me up?" She called out

There was no response, She grabbed her PET and dropped it from the extreme temperature. Maylu didn't see Roll in there and immediately grew worried. She raced to her closet gathering her attire and changed as quickly as she could, She ran out of the door and over to Lan's house and pounded on the door

Lan's mother was in the kitchen when she abruptly stopped and made her way to the door. She looked in through the peephole and smiled seeing Maylu. She graciously accepted her in

"Hello-" She said but was greeted with a running Maylu. She dashed up the stairs and opened Lan's door. Lan was shocked seeing Maylu

"Lan Lan Lan!" She yelled

"My PET is freezing and someone took Roll! I don't know what I'd do without her! She's like a little sister to me and I couldn't let her go" Maylu started to ramble wildly when Lan put his finger on her mouth shushing her entirely.

"Relax Maylu, She's right here with Megaman" He said as he pointed to the two, Engaging conversation and laughing with each other. Maylu sighed from relief but she was still slightly angry

"Roll!" She shouted from excitement but yet worried

"Nya!?" Roll jumped slightly noticing Maylu

"Thank god your alright! What happened to you!? And why are you here!?" Maylu yelled frantically

"Its a long story, But maybe I could shorten it for you. Mega, Would you do the honors" She asked turning to face him

"Sure thing Roll" He said and took a deep breath explaining to the two on what happened during their little 'fiasco'


Finally! I'm so sorry I took so long to update, Wattpad kept deleting my chapters. Enjoy!

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