7. A New Relationship

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"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."

-Carl Gustav Jung

Although David wouldn't put a label on it, he was enjoying spending time with Sofi. She wasn't the kind of girl (hell, person for that matter) he would normally sit and talk to. He liked talking to her so much, he even gave her his number...and Snapchat, Instagram, and every other form of social media he could think of. The night he gave it to her, he had spent the day driving around looking for a job. Nothing with too many hours, just something to put gas in his tank and maybe go out sometime. Maybe he could even invite someone along; maybe someone he recently started talking to? When he saw her text come through, his heart started racing. He couldn't explain why. He had been talking to her every day at school and at lunch. He was close to offering her a ride home just two days ago, but the moment slipped by.

"WYD?" was her message.

David replied, "Not much. WBU?"

S-Doin HW frm Alg

D-sounds like a blast

S- U know me I love math 😛

D-im prty good at it

S-good, u can tutor me

D-u say when 😉

S-hows 2morrow?

D-u want to study after school?

David was actually talking to a girl about getting together. He never thought he would be this comfortable doing it. He also didn't understand how he never got to know Sofi before. For the next hour, they texted each other about so many things. David talked about how his dad was a prick and how he had bonded so well with his grandfather. They talked about school subjects they liked and disliked. The subject of who they've dated came up and unfortunately, David had nothing to share. Sofi said she had dated a boy, freshman year for about a week. Eventually, tired of texting, David decided to just say "Fuck it" and he pulled up FaceTime. Was he crazy? Only one way to find out. He heard the weird ring that FaceTime offered and then "woosh" sound as she accepted the call and it connected.

"Hey," David said sheepishly.

"Hey yourself," Sofi replied with a smile on her face.

"So my thumbs were getting tired of typing so I figured I would just give this a shot. Thanks for picking up."

"Are you kidding? It's so much better to talk this way. I can see the reaction on your face and in your voice when we are actually talking to each other. I never would have taken the initiative though. I don't know if you've noticed, but I am really pretty shy."

"I never would have pegged you as shy. You talk non-stop in class," David teased as he smiled at her.

"Very funny. I am just now starting to get comfortable talking to you at lunch and now on here."

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