Chapter 12

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Prince Alexander

Her blood is addicting. Like nothing I've tasted. Her file says it is O negative. Uncommon, but there is something more in her blood, some enzyme or other element. I'm not sure what it is, but it makes her blood taste sweet, like ecstasy.

As she stands in front of me I become aroused immediately. Vulnerable. Submissive. Soft. I want to take her to my bed. I want to spend the day exploring her body instead of the gardens. But no. I could tell from the few times I'd fucked her that she had no interest in sex at all. At least not with me. At least not yet. I'd taken her too quickly. I hadn't prepared her. I hadn't seduced her. She was opening her legs for me because she was an obedient little pet, not because she yearned for my touch. Not yet. But she would. She will. I just need to slow down. To woo her properly. And to do that I have to wet her curiosity. Sate her need for knowledge. The gardens will be our first stop and then I will take her to the gallery. The piano arrived today and would be brought up while we were out. A Stradivarius violin was already waiting on her bed, in her room. A big red bow on it. Slowly I will open up a new world to her. I planned to shower her with gifts that would excite her intellect. That was the way to her heart.

"Come," I said. I took her little hand in mine and led her out. She was shaking. I rubbed the top of her hand with my thumb. We walked past Sawyer. He was reading his book. "Hello, Sawyer." He set his book to one side, "Good Morning, Master." I smiled at him. He didn't look at my Aliana. Good boy. "I will be taking you to dinner tonight, Sawyer. Silver is bringing a special outfit for you to wear this evening." He seemed surprised by my announcement, but he responded, "Yes, Master." Always a good boy.

Aliana lifted her chin and exposed her beautiful neck so I could put the simple gold collar I'd selected for today. The leash was a soft natural leather. I helped Aliana into her coat. She looked stunning. She could have easily passed for one of us. She was tall for her age. Already she was at least five foot seven inches tall and mostly legs. Tall shy humans like her usually slumped their shoulders and hunched down as they tried to make themselves smaller, but not her. She stood tall. Comfortable in her space. We walked into the elevator. I noticed Sawyer looking at us. Jealousy swept through me, but I pushed it down. He was just watching us leave. He wasn't looking at her. He knew she was mine.

I listened to her steady heartbeat as we walked out of the castle to the gardens. I enjoyed the rhythm of her heart. I found it soothing. It was November and chilly. Most of the flowers were gone with the summer warmth, though the paths were still peaceful with many sculptures and water features to make the walk interesting. We walked the main path. Soon the main path split into two paths. One path led to the greenhouses. The other led to a labyrinth that was often a favorite place for Vampires looking for a secluded place to seduce their pets. I would take her there one day but not today. Today I led her on the path to the greenhouses.

As we walked we passed a fountain with a beautiful marble sculpture as a centerpiece. The Crouching Venus. It had lived at the British Museum. When we took over the Region, many of my kind raided the museums and took what they needed to decorate their palaces and castles. The Crouching Venus was one of my favorite pieces that I acquired from that Museum. As I suspected the sculpture caught Aliana's eye. I led her to the fountain.

"What are your thoughts on the piece?" She eyed it carefully as she read the plaque in front of it. "It's beautiful," she whispered. She reached her hand out as if doing so would bring the sculpture to her. "It's marble," I whispered to her. "It looks to be of a Greek style but the plaque says it is Venus, who is a Roman goddess." That was very observant of her. It was indeed of the Greek style, though made by Romans who imitated the Greek sculptures. "Indeed. The Romans loved the Greek style of sculpture so much that they began to imitate it. Do you know the name of the Greek goddess this sculpture is imitating?" She smiled to herself but didn't look at me. "Yes, Master. Aphrodite. The Greek goddess of love."

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