Lost to you

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Happy reading honey bears ❤️🌻


I moved over him, kissing every inch of his skin, working my way from his face to his chest, down each arm, kissing his hands, the tips of fingers.

When I moved onto his stomach and traced my tongue around his navel, his hands rose and clutched my shoulders. I kissed my way to each hip bone, then down his thighs.

Despite the fact that his cock was already twitching with interest, I avoided it and continued along his legs.

I stopped to pay attention to the back of his knees, then his ankles, massaging his calves. I kissed the top of his foot and ran my thumb up his instep.

He gasped.

I increased the pressure, rubbing from his heel up to the balls of his feet, then each toe individually.

He had his head back against the pillows, eyes closed, and I waited until he opened them before moving up his body and settling my chest between his legs.

I made my intention clear, trailing my lips slowly but steadily towards his groin. Our eyes were locked when I licked up the length of him and then began to suck.

Today I'll make sure my sunshine know how much I'm ready to worship him. I want to absorb his warmth fully. Soak myself into his embrace and get all of his attention towards me. I want him to know that only me, in the one he should be giving his all. I need to assure him that I'm worthy of it all too.

Technically I'm glad I tailed my sunshine like a lost puppy found his hope three months back when he left my house in tears after Kongpob introduced us. He only made his stop at the all too familiar place for both of us. Where it all started. P'Off's cafe. About fifteen minutes of him practically ran inside the cafe I took a deep inhale and decided to confront him.

But as I made my way towards the staff area at the back the conversation of Gun and my sunshine piqued my curiosity.

"I don't think he likes me. I'm not sure why would you suggest me to even approach him. After all he is like his brother. His interest was Arthit and not me."

He was trying to wipe out voluminous tears that was falling freely.

"Kit, listen to me P'Off-"

"Nope enough of whatever P'Off says. I don't even want to be around anymore. You s-should see him gazing Arthit lovingly with that smirk... the smirk that supposedly should be showed at me. I can't do this anymore Gun. I've really had enough. I've always lost to Arthit in everything, so this shouldn't be something new."

With that his sobs become louder and uncontrolled. Gun was about to hug him for comfort. But I know this is my cue. It's now or never. He needs to know what I feel. Yes I might have been confused but now I want my sunshine all to myself.

I walked straight in front of him and yanked him up surprising both him and Gun.

"I like- no! I love chocolate milk and I think I'm addicted, almost obsessed with it since I got a taste."

I pressed my lips on those oh so soft plumpy ones and sucked it like my whole life depended on it.

Since then Krist and I took our time to get to know each other. Love each other more. Mostly be more possessive and obsessed with each other. At first I thought it was only me that had flames burning high inside every time Krist talk or more so get in a distance of half meter from Kongpob. But after several meet up and occasional cold shoulder proved me that my sunshine was having the same thoughts about me and Arthit.

Who am I kidding, I love my sunshine so much. Yes they are twins but my baby is better than always grumpy Arthit. But I have to admit both Rojnapat twins will be the death of me and Kongpob, that's without a doubt.

Which brings us to today. We just had a very awkward group date where not only Kongpob and Arthit but also P'Off, gun, new and P'Tay joined us. All was going very well until P'Tay dropped the bomb about how Kongpob bragged to him that he tamed the ever grumpy N'Arthit in bed. It made my sunshine's insecurity rise up touching the sky and blaming me all the way back to my apartment claiming that I don't love him enough to bed him.

Am I wrong to keep the promise I made to him that I'll only take it to the next level when he's ready. How in the world would I knowingly try to hurt me.

And I wanted to show him that I was sorry and I needed to assure him that I love him more than anything in this whole wide world. I could totally understand his point. Where I myself had always felt lost or defeated by my twin all the time. Looking at Krist I could see how much he is struggling to prove himself to be better. I just needed to make him feel like he is the best just like how he makes me feel like I'm the luckiest.

He was already lying on the bed with his eyes closed wearing my pjs. I stripped off my clothes and climbed on the bed, gently drawing the blankets off Krist.

He stirred a little, but didn't open his eyes. One by one, I unfastened the buttons of the night shirt until it fell open.

I kissed his chest, tasting his warm skin and memorizing every line of his body with my lips. As my tongue licked his right nipple, his eyes fluttered open.


I loved it when he calls me like that. It's a thing between us. I know kit uses it only when he's vulnerable. His hands came up to my head, but paused, as if he didn't know whether to pull me closer or push me away.

"I need you kit!"

I whispered, climbing back up his body until I could kiss his lips. He looked up at me, eyes searching mine by the pale light of the moon.

Slowly, he nodded. I lowered my lips to his again and kissed him languidly. This wasn't about me. It wasn't about a mad rush to orgasm. I wanted to worship his body. To make it sing with sensation. I wanted my sunshine to writhe beneath me, calling his Tuan in pleasure.


So next part will be the end. Should we have a kong Arthit special chap? 🤔

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