part 6

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another boring day at the shop. you waited for the boys and checked your phone. 8:58. yes! the boys would be here soon.

you were especially excited to see daichi. but, also scared for tsukki. yamaguchi has been out sick for many days now, and tsukki would come into the store every night and do the same thing— stare at the ceiling and stay silent. you were hoping yamaguchi was here.

the boys showed up to the shop shortly after.

"hey!" they all said at different times and waved.

you noticed that tsukki was in the back with yamaguchi, their pinkies intertwined. yes! they were finally back together.

"here's your food boys!" you said with a smile, while handing them their buns on a tray you found.

"thank you!" they all said, bowing.

you closed up the shop and walked outside to hang out with them.

"yamaguchi's back i see?" you said while locking the door.

"yeah, and thank god. tsukki is playing much better. we have a tournament in about a week or so, so it's good that he's doing better." said tanaka.

"a tournament? is my dad going?" you said in confusion.

"yeah, of course he is." said kageyama.

"does that mean i get to come?" you said in excitement.

"of course it does y/n! we're going to have so much fun!!" said hinata.

oh my god... you get to go on a trip with a volleyball team full of hot boys... to meet even more hot boys!

you smiled with them.

you and the boys had another good night at the store. even tsukki and yams joined in the conversation.

"alright boys, let's leave now. it's getting late." said daichi.

the boys all waved and started to leave.

"bye y/n. see you soon." daichi said to you with a smirk, holding your hand.

you blushed. "bye daichi." you said smiling, and held
his hand until he walked away.

you smiled at each other again, and he left.


hope u enjoyed heheheheiwiwjdjwjdr

i had a monster im HYPER HUWORHWUDOW

what's ur favorite monster flavor? tell me in the comments please

ukai's daughterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang