The Walls Intrude

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You were walking out of the front gates that lead the way out of your highschool. The cold misty Autumn air brushed your cheeks, causing you to shiver. As you were walking you put the hood of your jacket up and thought about what you would do once you got home.


Man today is a lot colder then yesterday was, Fall is definetly coming soon, I can feel it. I wonder if mom is at the house right now...Nah, she's probably working late again. Which means, I get to binge watch more of My Hero Academia.

(3rd POV)

As you reached your house you jumped as you saw your neighbors kitten jump in front of you. As you reached the last step you knelt, picking the kitten up and saying, "I should be used to you doing that by now Pom Pom but, surprisingly enough you still seem to scare me.." You chuckled as you said the last few words looking at Pom Pom's deep golden yellow eyes, as they screamed complete non-knowingness.


I swear Pom Pom is over here at my house more then her own...I wonder why.

I shrugged it off and walked up to the door and fumbled with my keys until I found the right one. Once I did, I stuck the key into the into the lock and twisted until I heard a click and the door cracked open a bit. I stepped inside and stopped turned around and closed the door. I then kicked off my shoes and walked to the kitchen with Pom Pom still in my arms. I set him down and the counter and reached up in the cabinet grabbing a small bowl and a cup I filled the cup with soda and the bowl with milk for Pom Pom.

(Time Skip to 15 minutes later 3rd POV)

You grabbed a bag of chips and watched Kirishima tiktoks for around an hour with Pom Pom still in your hands and then it happened...

Your phone exploded and the walls began to cave into you. You were frozen in fear and confusion as everything had then went black....

"Hi guys, decided to leave you all with a cliffhanger! Comment on this and tell me if you think I should continue this! Hope everyond enjoyed!"

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