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It was the first day of the new school year. I was running perfectly on time as I made my way to my classroom.

This is my second year teaching a college course, I find it more relaxing than teaching middle schoolers. I decided to teach ELA for college seniors, an easy subject to teach but a little challenging to learn.

As I entered my classroom, my phone chimed with a text from Elijah, my husband.

Elijah ❤️: Have a great day at work my love! Dinner tonight? What are you in the mood for?

I smiled and responded to him.

Elijah and I grew up together in the same low income neighborhood. Now look at us, living our dream. I've known him practically all my life, he's my other half.

I sat down at my desk with about fifteen minutes to spare before class started. As I was going through my lessons plans, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said as the door opened.

In walked a petite, young melanin woman who seemed a bit lost.

"How can I help you?" I motioned for her to come closer to my desk.

"Hi! I'm Delilah Monroe, I'm looking for Mrs. Basset's classroom. She's 204 which is this one, but the name outside says James so I was wondering if you could lead me to her?"

"That would be me, I'm Mrs. Basset." I smiled. "I believe James had this class before me. I wasn't aware my name wasn't out there but thank you for bringing it to my attention."

"Oh, no problem! Your class doesn't start until about ten more minutes so I'll wait outside." She began to head for the door.

"Well you can stay if you'd like, I'm just doing some last minute planning. More students should be rolling in anyways." I smiled.

"Oh okay! Well, thank you." She headed towards a desk as I went back to mines.

Maybe it's because it's the first day, but Delilah seemed really nice. We would definitely get along well. Something about her seemed so innocent, as if she's a teachers pet or something. She's definitely respectful but also...very attractive.

It was now time for my class to start, more students started filling in. I took a deep breath and prepared to begin my lecture.


Something about Mrs. Basset really caught my eye. Of course she's attractive but her voice is so warm and welcoming, I wanted a hug from her already along with a few other things.

So far, my last year of college was treating me well. All of my classes are within three minutes of each other and I also leave school before one o'clock. Hopefully this school year would be drama free.

As Mrs Basset carried on her lecture, my phone chimed. Shit, I forgot to turn it off.

"That leads me to my next set of rules, technology. All technology must be turned off or on mute. If it goes off in my class, automatic detention. Delilah, since it's the first day, I'll excuse you but don't let it happen again." She said, her tone was still warm.

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry about that." I responded.

"Now, this course.." She began.

I tuned her out as I started realizing how embarrassed I was. What idiot forgets to turn their phone off during class? Most importantly, who in the hell was texting me this early?

The bell rung just as she finished her mini lecture, I got up and began to head for the door until she called my name.

"Yes?" I turned around to face her.

"Come here." She motioned with her finger. I walked over to her.

"Listen dear, I hope I didn't make you feel embarrassed or anything but just remember from now on to have that phone turned off okay?" She smiled.

"Oh, of course, I'm sorry. It was a little embarrassing but it's my fault." I chuckled. "It will be on silent from now on."

"Alright, have a great rest of your day."

"You too, Mrs Basset." I smiled and walked outside.

I don't know what kind of spell this woman put on me, but it was the first day and she already had my panties soaking wet.

As I walked through the hall, I ran into my best friend, Jada.

"Hey D! How's your classes going so far?" She asked as we did our small signature handshake.

"It's going alright I guess. I already got called out by a teacher." I rolled my eyes at the thought of it.

"For what? Being too cute on the first day?" She laughed. Jada was my best friend, but also a charmer. She'd always flirt with me thinking that I wouldn't notice but over the years of us knowing each other, I guess I've gotten used to it.

"Don't you start. My phone went off during the lecture." I responded. I then pulled out my phone to check my notifications. Jada began to laugh.

"It would be a text from you that gets me in trouble Jada." I chuckled.

"I'm sorry D! I got bored and started to wander the halls, it won't happen again." She smiled.

"Good, I'm already pretty embarrassed for my first day." I sighed. "Where are you off too next?"

"I'm actually about to head to my music professor, got a few things to ask him." She looked at me. "Do you work today? Or is someone covering for you?"

"No, I'm going in today. I don't have any homework so I may as well clock in. Are you off?"

"Yeah, I just want to go home and sleep." She yawned.

"I feel you." I smiled. "Well I gotta get going so I'll see you whenever we cross paths again."

"Okay, call me later." She said as I hugged her goodbye.

No matter how big of a flirt Jada may be, she had a positive impact on my life and a special place in my heart. Our mothers were best friends which caused us to practically grow up together, she was always there for me and I was always there for her.

It was time for my last class of the day and frankly, I thought about not going into work. Of course I needed the extra hours, but I also wanted to go home, rest and think about Mrs.Basset.

Oh suck it up Delilah, it's the first day and you're already head over heels for this woman.

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