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School had just ended and as I was getting into my car, my phone ringed.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey baby, you off work?" Elijah asked.

"Yes dear, I just got off. I'm on my way to the house right now." I smiled.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

"Okay, bye." I hung up and began to drive straight to the house.

As I approached a stop light, I glanced to my left and saw a familiar face in the car beside me. It was Delilah. She smiled at me and I simply waved back. The light turned green and I proceeded home.

That girl is so beautiful.

Finally, I was home. Whatever Elijah had prepared for dinner smelled great.
"Baby?" I called out.

"Hey honey." He greeted me with a kiss. "How was the first day?"

"It was smooth but that's expected. How was your day?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked him straight in the eyes.

"It was great. I have dinner ready so why don't you go change into something a little more relaxing?" He gently bit his lip. I knew exactly what he meant.

"You got it." I slowly pulled away and went into our bedroom. I quickly changed into a low cut shirt that accentuated my breast and some shorts. Casual with a tad bit of sexy.

As I walked back into the dining room, the table was set. He pulled out my chair as I approached him. I leaned in and placed a small kiss on his cheek before I sat down. Once he sat in his chair, we said our grace and began eating.

"So baby, what's the occasion? Why'd you cook for me?" I asked.

"Because I'm your husband and you deserve to be loved." He responded.

"Awe honey." I blushed.

We continued eating as silence fell between us.

"And I also wanted to ask you something." He spoke after a few moments.

Uh oh.

"What is it?" I stopped eating to give him my full attention.

"So you know I made partner at the firm and let's just say that the money is going to be great. I feel like it's way more than we need."

"Uh huh..."

"And I know how you were saying that we could start a family when I hit partner so that we're financially stable.."


"No, listen. I really want to start our family, soon."

I didn't know what to say. Lord knows I was not ready to start a family, not now.

"I know I said that Elijah, but I'm still not ready yet. My career is going pretty good right now, I don't want to set back anything. I'm not saying I don't want to have a family, but just not right now." I went back to eating.

"Really Angela? You said this same shit the last time." He snapped. "We're getting older not younger."

"Excuse me?" I looked at him.

"You heard me, the last time we talked about this you said the exact same thing. Just tell me that you don't want a family."

"Baby." I got up from the table and approached him. "I do want a family, I swear I do, but just not right now, why can't you understand that?"

He didn't respond to me, he took a deep breath then slowly stood up.

"Why are you getting up? Sit down, let's eat dinner." I said.

"I've got some paperwork to do, I'll be at the office if you need me." He went and grabbed his coat.

"Elijah, can we at least eat first? Please don't let this ruin the night." I stood in place and watched him walk towards the door.

"I'm not hungry anymore." He said before he left.

In the matter of less than ten minutes, I managed to ruin a great dinner.


As I was on my way to work, I saw Mrs. Basset in her car. The sun beamed across her face, making her eyes glow at me. That's when I knew I wanted her, so bad.

Once I arrived to work, I immediately wanted to go  to my apartment.

"Hey Delilah!" Ralph, my co-worker said.

"Hey Ralph, how's it going?"

"It's going smooth, how was your first day of school?" He asked.

"It was great, thanks for asking."

Ralph was also another big flirt, I guess I just have this kind of affect on men and women.

"Got any homework?" He asked.
Finally, my moment.

"Yeah, I do actually. It's a lot, I'll definitely be up past midnight." I dramatically sighed.

"Oh no, go ahead a leave. It's a slow day, I'll cover you."

"Are you sure? I would hate for things to pick up when I leave."

"No, I'm sure. Go ahead and get those assignments done." He smiled.

"Thank you, Ralph!" I gave him a quick hug then left as fast as I came.

Damn, I must be a great actor.

As I was driving, my phone rung. I shouldn't have answered but I did.


"Hey D! How's work?"  Jada said.

"Ralph is covering for me, I'm on my way to my apartment." I smiled.

"You know I'm coming over."

"No, I'm going to sleep. Leave me alone." I laughed.

"It's okay, I got a key. I'm already walking to your unit, see you when you get here."

Yes, she lived in my same apartment complex. Surprising right?

I made it to my apartment, I was too tired from the flight of stairs to use my keys so I just knocked. Not even two seconds later, the door swung open.

"Can I help you?"

"Girl move." I pushed her out of the way and went straight to my room.

"Rude ass." She said as she entered my bedroom.

"Jada, leave. I'm tired, leave." I mumbled.

"This how you treat your guest?" She laughed.

"Jada, I'm too tired to argue with you right now, can you please just go in the living room?" I was becoming annoyed.

"Imma leave but don't try calling me when you get bored." She rolled her eyes then left, finally peace at last.

Truth be told, I wasn't that tired. I just needed some alone time to think about Angela.

Something about her presence turned me on to the max. Her scent, her harmless chuckle, the way her lips were so perfect, the way her smooth melanin skin glowed in the golden sunset. The way her eyes were so radiant and so sexy. Her overall features were amazing, something I've never seen before.

Words couldn't begin to describe how much I wanted her.

Was she even into girls? Isn't she married? I didn't even care anymore, if I felt like she was flirting with me, I'll definitely flirt back.

I laid in the dark as thoughts of her ran wildly in my head, before I knew it I was naked and feeling on myself.

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