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it was 6:30 am sharp, the grey sky collided with the cool breeze as the trees fluttered their leaves in rhythm with the wind. A young boy walks out of a tiny house in a small neighborhood, along with a girl, shorter than him. His burgundy hair flowed with the quick breeze as his ruby eyes gazed at the sky.

''Tanjiro! '' the girl asked '' Hurry up we're gonna be late! ''

''Coming Nezuko! '' Tanjiro smiled as he ran twords his sister, walking together down the block of the street. Nezuko hummed as Tanjiro texted through his phone.

'' If you keep looking at your cellphone your gonna crash into something. '' Nezuko snickered as she walked backwards to meet with Tanjiro's face, and Tanjiro answered with a smile, one so gentle it radiates the sun. '' Alright, Alright, I was making sure Zenistu was walking with us today, But he got their earlier then expected. '' He sighed patting his sisters head.

'' Maybe he had a early council meeting?'' She questioned, walking normally. Guiding back her orange-tipped brown hair behind her ear.

''Maybe.. But who knows '' Tanjiro shrugged, adjusting his backpack.

They stopped half-way around the block, Nezuko waving goodbye to her older brother as she ran off with her friend Muichiro and Senjuro to their middle school. Tanjiro waving back and walking the opposite way, heading twords his highschool. It's been a few weeks since he registered there. Zenistu was already a sophmore there, along with Kanao and Aoi. Tanjiro was kinda bothered on how he was the second youngest in the group, but he always shrugs it off as some point. He walks inside the school building, the courtyard filled with arriving students as he himself makes his way in. Zenistu and the others where sitting by a bench, he waves to Tanjiro calling out his name.

'' Tanjiro! We're over here! '' He shouts, getting Tan's attention. Kanao rushing over to him, Aoi following her.

'' We heard there's a new student in your class Tan! '' Kanao smiled

'' I wonder what they look like '' Aoi answered back '' You think it's a transfer?''

'' My only worries are if it's a girl! '' Zenistu pouted

''Whatever they are, we should go welcome them! '' Tanjiro smiled brightly, dragging Zenistu by the arm with the two girls following them. They head inside the building, noticing a large crowd of newsmen with their mics, clashing to one another. Giyuu stands there in the middle, trying to block them off. '' That's enough questions! I'll get authority is you guys won't leave '' He yells at the crowd, watching them as they walk off with their papers. Tanjiro looks around, confused as Zenistu runs forward.

'' I WAS RIGHT! SHE'S AN ANGEL! AN ANGEL I TELL YOU!! '' He drags Tanjiro, his ears aching by Zenistu's shouting. Tanjiro laid eyes on the new kid and never expected anything like them. Their hair had a blue-tipped silky look to it, their eyes had an emerald forest green, that shinned in the light. Looking down, they had... Abs?

'' Who you calling girl!?'' The kid shouts back, raising his fist at Zenistu.

''AAAAAAAHH!! You're A MAN!?'' He yells, hiding behind Tanjiro. Frightened.

'' OF COURSE IM A GUY DIPSHIT? WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? '' He yells again, but his gaze hit straight to Tanjiro '' TEll your noisy friend to shut up! My ears are hurting! ''

Tanjiro sighs, trying to calm the wild man '' I'm Tanjiro Kamado, and this is my friend Zenitsu, sorry for the trouble but we wanted to welcome you to the school!'' He smiled, the blonde still clung to him.

The kid furrowed his eyebrows '' Why do you care?'' he said crossing his arms, his shirt wasn't buttoned, exposing his muscular body.

'' We just want to greet you'' Tanjiro sighs '' What's your name?''

'' Inosuke Hashibira! Don't you forget it Kentaro! ''

'' It's Tan-Ji-ro '' He pouts

''I got it right! ''

Tanjiro sighs, looking at his watch '' Class is about to start, Zenistu go catch up to Kanao and Aoi? and Hashibira! What's your homeroom? '' He asks as Zenistu runs off, still having a terrified and weird out expression.

'' Just say Inosuke, and my home..room? Is right here!'' he points to the door.

'' Great! we have the same homeroom! C'mon, let us get inside! '' Tanjiro smiled as he innocently grabs Inosuke as leads him Inside, Leaving Inosuke confused over the foreign affection he's getting, leaving him all " fua fua" like.

Hope you enjoyed the first part of Hardship! I hope I'm willing to entertain you all! For now so long!

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