Headcanon 29

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Transformers Cyberverse-

Considering they used to hold their meetings at a bar, Megatron and Optimus (along with literally everyone else) have each gotten drunk at least once in each other's presence.

Megatron- philosophical drunk. He will ponder ANYTHING, be it the meaning of life, or if sand is sand because it's in between sea and land. He also looses most any form of motor functions and just stumbles around like an idiot. Also a horny drunk and you can fight me on this one.

Soundwave- Blares his music loudly, gets up on a table, and starts dancing. He's surprisingly good at it, and his skills are not at all impaired by his drunkenness. His mini-cons will sing along to whatever he plays, though Soundwave himself stays silent.

Optimus- Will lose any and all sense of dignity and sense of non-compliance. You ask him to do it? You even mention it, and you bet your aft he's doing it. This has led to many situations, though the one of the most notable would be when he got right up on the table next to Soundwave and started dancing right alongside with him and the mini-cons.

Bumblebee- Starts talking to inanimate objects and acts as if they're talking back.

Shockwave- Sober drunk all the way. You can NEVER tell with him.

Wheeljack- Anarchist who can and will set the world on fire... or at least, he'll try to.

Hot Rod- Passes out

Ratchet- Complete party animal with shots. He can and will drink anyone under the table, probably has the most drinking experience out of anyone.

Windblade- White bitch wasted, complete lightweight. Can not hold her liquor to save her life.

Grimlock- No surprise here, he's an angry drunk. Can and will get try to challenge Primus to a fist fight.

Arcee- Drinks Ratchet under the table.

Starscream- Also white bitch wasted.

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