Headcanon 32

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Transformers G1-

To go with the last installment, there is also a bet on just WHO Optimus was before the war. No bot by the name "Optimus Prime" has ever existed, so there were two options, a new-spark, which he obviously wasn't, or a frame remodel. Most think he's the son of some nobleman (which was an idea Starscream was very tempted to just laugh in the face of. He was royalty, he knew royalty, and while Optimus Prime was many things, royalty he was not). Another popular theory was that he was a remodeled and repainted Sentinel Prime, who somehow survived the beating Megatron gave him in the beginning of the war (Starscream thought that idea was ridiculous too).

Some said that Optimus himself was once a slave, others think he was an overseer. And then, there are the select few that think that Optimus just... spawned from Primus' will (and seriously, Starscream was almost done at this point). Surprisingly enough, even a few Autobots found out about this bet and wanted in, and even more surprising, Swindle let them. It was Jazz who said he was a simple mid-class worker, nothing special, and he was laughed at. (Starscream changed his bet after that.)

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