Chapter 15

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Leo's POV

I woke up and felt sick. I knew that this would happen..

I couldn't move nor get up.

I had a terrible headache, runny nose,cough and i guess a fever..


Jasie's POV

I woke up at 9 and got ready to head to college. I had 1 class.
Stephie went to college at 7 and Jade went out to have a breakfast together with Max.

I was about to head to college but i got a call from Aiden.

"Hi Jasie."

"Hi Aiden."

"Jasie,ummm,Leo doesn't feel well and there's no one that can be by his side today. I have an exam in 10 minutes and after it i have to head to Liverpool. Jade and Max are out and they won't come by 5 pm,cuz they have a project to do later at a friend's house. You're our only chance. Please take care of Leo."

"Ohh,but i have a class. Well,it isn't more important than him. Alrighty, i'm coming."

"Thank you so much."

"Nothing to thank me for,he's my boyfriend after all." I said and closed the call.

Soon i was at their house and i didn't knock on the door cuz i knew he wouldn't open it. He surely is in bed.

I headed to his room and as i thought, he was in bed. Sleeping.

I slowly laid next to him and put my head on his chest.

"Baby?" He said.

"It's me. Sleep." I said.

"Alright." He said and he fell asleep again. I took a short nap too.

After maybe 30 minutes, i felt him playing with my hair. He was awake. I looked at him and smiled.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"Like shit." He said honestly.

I slowly got up to check his temperature.
I put my lips on his forehead. He was boiling.

"You're boiling. Shit." I said and got up.

"I'm okayy." He said.

"You're not. Where did i put my phone? Oh here. I'll be back." He nodded.

I dialed my mom's number.

"Hi mom.i need your help."

"Hi dear,how can i help you?"

"Leo has a fever. What should i do?"

"Well,first tell him to take a shower. Then make him a soup or a hot tea and don't forget to cover him with blankets cuz he surely is cold."

"Alrighty, thanks mom."

"Welcome sweetie."

I went back in his room.

"Alright, first you have to take a shower." I said.

"I don't have energy.." he said.

Um,it won't be bad if i help him. I'll just tell him to keep his underwear on.

"Umm,allllright. I'll help you." I said. He smirked.

"Only if you keep the underwear on." I added.

"Fine." He said and i helped him get up.

He took off his sweatpants and tshirt. Gosh that sixpack.

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