Chapter 4

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Okay so before you read this chapter re-read the last few chapters cause I rewrote some things and put new pictures in along with the old ones. Also if things aren't making sense please let me know and I will gladly explain it.

Also since there are two Korn's I might change Korn and Intouch to their actors names or I might change Knock and Korn's name probably Korn and Intouch. Unless you guess want me to keep it and I will just be careful with bot putting them in the same room together.

Win watched as his mate came back through the gates. After almost a thousand years he was about to give up on the deal and go back to the demon world to report to his father but then he entered through the gates. Everyone could tell since the energy around them shifted and when he walked into the house and Win got a good look at him something clicked inside of him and he knew that this boy was now and forever his. He only realized when he was laying in bed and the cute human turned over in his sleep and moved closer to him and his hand touch his chest who the boy's ancestor is. Thos human was a direct descendant of the one who made the deal in the first place. Every child that came from Cyrus's family was automatically chosen at birth to be one of the eight princes mate and that was fortunately him.

As he looked down at the human that had clung to him in his sleep he thought he was rather cute for a human, he had black hair that cover a little of his cute ears. His ear had no piercing unlike his own, he had the cutest shaped face he had ever seen and his little button nose was just as adorable. He had cute black eyes and a cute little that he could spend hours kissing. His body was another thing he could spend hours kissing, it was lean but oh so delicious and he wanted to lick every single inch of it. He used his mind to close the gate before putting up the protective wards, to many stoned or drunk people come up here trying to get in or just yell at the house telling them that if there really was demons inside to come out and fight them. Tharn would make easy work of them and send them out of town.

Each demon prince has their own separate power along with the regular demon power like super strength, super speed, enhanced intelligence. His was that he could manipulate the weather. His emotions were one of the key things in manipulating the weather, if he was really angry like early storms would follow, if he was sad rain was in the forecast, if he was happy the weather would stay sunny and nice. Thing stay nice if he is calm and the weather changes on it's own then.

He was third in line for the throne and would have been for fourth if it wasn't for the accident that changed Tharn's life. Tharn was the oldest at twenty seven, then it was Korn at twenty six, Nine was next a few months younger than Korn at twenty six, then it was Win at twenty five, then it was Tin a few months younger than him, then it was Pick at twenty four, Dean at twenty three and then the youngest at twenty two was Kongpob. Kongpob is the wisest out of every and everyone says he's an older demon trapped in a younger demon's body. He's also was one of the most dangerous cause of the power he has.

He followed Team into the mansion feeling a little bad when he heard him sniff before he saw him reach up and wipe at his face. He wasn't like his many times great grandfather, he did have feelings and empathy it's just that when you have been waiting your whole life for that one person you know was meant for you, it's nearly impossible to let go of that person. He followed him upstairs passing most of his cousins as they were coming down to probably get breakfast.

The mansion had eight wings, all different sizes and colors. Win had his on the third floor which was the attic till he turned it into what it was now. Dean and Korn on the floor below him then Tharn and Tin were under the kitchen and living near the front. Tharn had his wing under the living which was really big. Tin had his under the large kitchen. In the back of the house on the same floor as Dean and Korn were Nine and Kongpob, the game room and the dining room on the main floor and beneath that was Pick's room. Each demon had a reason for picking their room, Win's was so that he didn't he could use the balcony to let out unnecessary energy the rest would be revealed when need be.

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