Chapter 8

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Team won't share the spotlight *sighs* I promise by next chapter I will talk Team into giving a full chapter to Win...wish me luck lol

It had been two weeks since the attack and things have been good for Team and Win. Team's ankle healed quickly and he was up and hanging out with the guys. Hanging out with the other princes gave Team a chance to get to know and care for them.

The oldest Tharn was very charming and had an old soul, he is smart, funny, kind and a total sweetheart. He had a gorgeous smile and whoever ended up with him would be a lucky guy. Team hadn't figured out what unique power he had but he thinks it has to do with why he likes to live downstairs where it's darker than the other floors. It might also has something to do with where he goes for a few hours a day and comes back with color to his cheeks. Whatever his power is apparently made him lose his position as the next Demon King. Win had only told him a little then told him what Kongpob said that it wasn't his story to tell.

Korn was going to be next in line for the throne which brought a little tension to him and Tharn but apparently from what he witnessed they had gotten pasted it. Korn was a bit quiet when you first meet him but as he warms up to you he's actually a naughty puppy with a wicked sense of humor, he teases him more than Pick does. It gets to the point where he begs him to stop cause his face is so red from blushing. Win would save him by slapping Korn upside the head then carrying him off. Every time he would do that Win would say it's best to get away after hitting the beast. Whoever ends up with him better had some sassy to give back to him.

Team knew that Korn's unique power had to do with the senses since all Korn's sense are sensitive from what he has observed. It may also have to do with why he goes downstairs when his room is upstairs and Tin, Pick and Tharn are not downstairs whenever he goes down. Team thinks that he might actually be some sort of beast like Win said.

Nine is a quiet and reserved guy but is also wise and has a good sense of humor. Whoever he ends up with has some work to do getting this guy to really open up. Nine has a lot of self control and just once he wants to see that man lose control. Maybe that was his power, something inside him said that was only the tip of the iceberg. Something told him that what Nine's power was was probably one of the most dangerous powers.

Tin was the devil, Team just knew it, he could talk a priest out of his pants, he was just that charming and good looking. He was basically sex on a stick. He was also smart, kind, funny, confident and the second best pool player ever. He liked to mess with his cousins and him, he was one of the guys who loved to piss Win off by flirting with him. Win told them all that it wouldn't be so funny when they get their mates and he starts flirting with them. That made them shut up for about two hours.

Team thinks he's some sort of seducer or something. He just had that way about him that made even him want to do whatever he wants. It was a little scare sometimes but Tin always put him at ease so he ignored it. Whoever gets him better prepare themselves cause Team thinks that Tin wouldn't let him far from his sight or his bed.

Pick, he swore was some sort of dark creature, after talking to him about his dark room Team had come to the conclusion that it wasn't a dark room for photography. He didn't know what it was used for but he was one hundred percent sure that it wasn't a photography dark room. It didn't make sense though, how can he be something dark if he was such a little hearted guy. There must be something he is missing.

Dean was an enigma, sometimes he could be very playful and funny and other times he's very serious and stoic and Team swore that everytime he walks into a room Dean is in he sees things moving in the shadows. It feels cold and dark when that happens but Dean just brushes it off like it was nothing whenever he mentions it. Whoever ended up with the grumpy old man was in for a ride.

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