Chapter 13

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Warning Sexual Content In This Chapter

"Win!!" He yelled as his glowing stopped. He rushed over to him and threw himself into his arms, wrapping his arms around Win's neck and his legs around his waist. Win wrapped his arms around his mate, neither cared that they were half naked only caring that they were together in each others arms again.

"Are you okay?" Win asked.

"I'm fine now that I'm with you." He said before pulling back. "I killed your dad, he was going to rape me and then kill me before sending my body back to you." Win growled before checking what he could of his body.

"I heard that you killed him and that you were glowing."

"I killed him with my glow that Techno said was called angel light." He said before explaining what happened with his dad.

"You must have gotten the powers when I bonded us together." Win said.

"I don't really care how I got it, I just care that it got me away from that monster." Team said.

"Would you like me to take the memory of you killing him away?" Tharn asked.

"No, I killed two people to protect Win and I and I'm not ashamed of it." Team said looking into Win's pretty eyes that he didn't think he would ever see again. Win leaned in and kissed him making Team smile against his mouth.

"Hey love birds, let's get the hell out of here and go home." Korn said. Team broke the kiss and rested his head on Win's shoulder. He had no plans on leaving his boyfriend's arms any time soon. Win turned and walked through a new portal that would lead them to their house. Once in their house Win immediately took Team up to their living space where they wouldn't be living for awhile.

"Don't you ever give yourself up to save me again." Win said once they were in their bedroom and Win had put Team on the bed.

"Don't you ever think I wouldn't give my life to save yours." Team said before he laid back pulling his man down on him as he did. He kissed him while wrapping his arms around Win's neck.
After a few minutes of just kissing Win broke the kiss and gave Team a serious look.

"Marry me" Team was shocked. He of course wanted to but he didn't think he would ask till much later. He looked into Win's eyes and saw their future with their children and grandchildren and them growing old together. He smiled before leaning up and kissing him.

"If you think you are getting away with that as a proposal then you are sadly mistaken." He said making Win chuckle.

"Let me go for a second."

"No, not even for a second" Team said.

"I promise I will be right back." Win said before kissing the tip of his nose. Team sighed and released him so he could stand. Win got up only to turn to the small nightstand by the bed. Team sat up as Win opened the drawer and pulled out a small box. He snapped his fingers and small lit candles appeared around the room along with rose petals.

"I know it's no trip to Paris or some other romantic place but I hope this will do." Win said before he got down on one knee in front of Team. He opened the box and held it up to reveal a gold wedding band. It had the words my beloved on it and it looked to be his ring size.

"When did you get this?" He asked.

"Last night when you slept I went to a ring shop in Bangkok and bought it then got it inscribed." Win said.

"It's beautiful" Team said.

"Team, from the moment we met I felt something click inside me and it was like I was finally brought to life and could breath for the first time. You are the reason I'm still here, I fought my demons and won because of you, you give me the strength and love I need to wake up in the morning. I love you and I will always love you so will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?" He asked. Team smiled as he held back tears.

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