Chapter 7

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Warning Sexual Content In This Chapter

"What do you mean you killed your Papa?" Team said.

"My Papa died giving birth to me and my dad has always blamed me for taking the love of his life away." Win said.

"Win, that wasn't your fault." Team said. He hated the look of pain on his face and would do anything to take his pain away.

"I know but when you are told every day that it is it's hard to think any other way." He said. Team only hesitated for a second before he moved the ice bag off his ankle and scooted over to him before straddling his lap. He cupped his face that had surprise all over it.

"What happened wasn't your fault and no matter how many times your bastard father says that I will tell you more that it isn't." He said. Win stared at him before a throat cleared behind Team. Team turned a little to see a older man standing in the door way, he must be the doctor Win talked about.

"I'm Doctor Torrent" he said before quickly bowing which Team thought was weird until he realized who exactly he was sitting on and who was in the room with them. Team was careful with his ankle as he got off Win's lap.

"I'm Team" he said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm going to check out your ankle." He said before looking at Win. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Win nod before the doctor proceeded. He carefully picked up his ankle and just stared at it. Team looked at Win in confusion.

"He has X-ray vision" Win explained. Team nodded before he looked back at the doctor.

"It's not broke but it is sprained, I'm going to wrap it and I would suggest staying off it for a few days." He said before grabbing some cloth from his bag to wrap it.

"Thank you Doctor Torrent" Team said.

"You're welcome and congratulation on your mating." He said. Team fought back the blush that threatened to take over his whole face at mating with Win. He almost died during the attack and that brought some things into prospective. He definitely had feelings for Win and it may not be love yet but he did like the handsome demon prince.

He liked seeing that Win cared for him and was protective of him. He didn't miss that people had to ask to touch him or avoided making direct contact with him because of how Win reacted to it. Team bet that Win would do anything to make him happy which only made him like him more. He looked at Win when Win wrapped a warm blanket after he shivered for the second time.

"Once the Doc is finished wrapping up your foot I'm going to take you up to our room and get you out of these wet clothes." He said.

"Yes...Your Highness" he teased making  Win release a sexy growl.

"Okay, I'm going back to bed before I see something I do not want to see." Tin said before heading to his room. Everyone left but Win, Team and the doctor who was finishing up with wrapping Team's ankle.

"Will there be anything else Your Highness?" He asked.

"No, thank you for coming at such a late hour you may leave." He said before waving a hand and a portal opened up. The doctor bowed before straightening up and going through the portal. Win then stood and carefully picked up Team bridal style before heading towards the stairs.

"What are you going to do about your dad?" Team asked making Win sigh.

"I don't know and right now I don't care, my only concern is to get you out of these wet clothes before you catch a cold." Win said as he went up the first set of stairs. When they got onto the landing Team leaned up and kissed him.

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