No heartbeat

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(Y/N) pov

I dropped my head, resting it on the table and trying not to cry. Tears escape my eyes, running away upon my cheeks, leaving my body as if they cannot bear to witness yet another bullied, everyone, calling me a loner, When I was in elementary school,

I was a very happy and outgoing kid and had lots of friends. But when I started secondary school, some older kids started to bully and tease me.

All my friends from elementary school left me because they didn't want to be seen with me. At my school, everything was all about money and clothes. I had huge glasses and I was really ugly and everyone laughed at me. Then a boy started to follow me around. He called me names, took my stuff, and made up rumours about me. One day he and his friends beat me up on the bus. No one wanted to be friends with me anymore.

Then I became friends with two girls in my class. They started making up rumours about me. Everyone kept telling me what a bad person I was. In 6th grade, the bullying got even worse. Everyone said I was ugly and I should just kill myself. In 7th grade my mom made me attend afternoon classes. The kids in the afternoon class started bullying me, too. They followed me around and took photos of me in the bathroom to send them to the whole school. Every. Single. Day.

They would "accidentally" bump into me, make up new nicknames for me, pull my hair, glared at me, tease me, and soon I was in the guidance, or nurses office every day just to avoid them. When I got home from school, I would go to my room and cry all evening. I never talked to anyone. when I admitted to university, My only attention is Seok jin, he's my world and my everything, I always thought maybe one day he will recognize me.

All the other kids say he has no emotion and doesn't show a passion for anything. Maybe that's just his personality or maybe he's empty inside, emotionless. yes, he's emotionless but Different from everyone.

Everybody said that If he gets angry, the colour of his eyes changes, After a while, those around him became weak. There are rumours about him he's a curse, he consumes people soul, maybe everyone right about him I don't know for some reason my heart keeps on leading me back to him, I got up, I turned around to leave but stopped my action when I saw him in front of me!
I stared unable to move or breathe.
Just one sentence rang my ear, a cold voice whisper -"Meet me on the roof"

His facial muscles are just as loose. There was no anger, no sadness, no joy or resentment.

Seok Jin Pov

What I need will never come and no matter how much I seek I won't find it. I wasn't born for great things, nor to find my place, It was too late, the emotion disappeared before I could identify it, the wind pushed it away and it's lost forever.

I know magic, How, why, I never get that answer from my mom, I don't have heart or soul, but I can eat human soul, I always felt that I'm a monster, I know I'm not normal, but live in with normal people. My nose instantly wrinkled at the smell of this girl who sat in behind me.

Her cheeks were like the strawberry in the brown paper bag, pale and convex. Her dimples punctuated the chub rendering her cuter than she'd otherwise be. My eyes grew wide when I saw her face in front of me. There is a hint of the victor in the smile surrounded by stiff cheeks. sending me a sudden shock, but wait I can't feel anything I'm heartless, isn't it?

Sitting in a corner, all alone, no one notices her ever, no one even knows she's there. I'm felt sorry for her? My curiosity growing up in me day by day. Today I got a chance to seize her, I want to eat her soul.

(Y/N) pov

To describe his facial expression would be like describing a blank sheet of paper. I felt my heart hitting me harshly when he told me to meet him alone on the roof. So, I went to the terrace and sat on a bench was facing towards the door, so I had my vision towards the stairs, I suddenly started to hear footsteps going up the stairs.

I started to see a figure come up the stairs, every step sound killing me and my heart bitting me hardly in every step, The figure started to move faster up final steps and my four eye vision clear saw a handsome man stepped towards me.

After only a few seconds my brain is in full panic when He stepped closer and brought his face close to mine, I did a step back. One eye looked red and the other eye green, But he didn't like my action, he grabbed my shoulder tightly, my mind won't let me think, I started stammering,
But I was felt he consume something, I felt dizzy. I fell on his chest, but why!
There was no sound of heartbeat in his chest!

A Memory

I stumbled to the corner of the room, and with each step, my stomach tightened and ached all the more. I kept swallowing, and my throat kept clenching, the face was as pale as a Rice starch.

How quickly your love turned to hate as if you didn't even fight it. You said you loved me and I took you at your word. You said I was your soul mate and over the years you became part of my life. Then one day, you announced you were in love with someone else. It would have been kinder to kill me. Now I must be this person filled with a trace of bitterness.

I heard two people talking outside, One's voice was very harsh and the other's voice sounded very familiar,
"Leave her alone!
" Never!" the second person started shouting.
"She's a muggle, she didn't know anything about me, she's innocent, don't lock her in Azkaban"
"She's carrying a cursed child, I don't want this baby to be born"

(note: hana is seok jin mom)

SILENT HEARTBEAT(ongoing) 조용한 심장 박동 (I Can't Be Killed)Where stories live. Discover now