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Y/N pov


This is my love story. The story is not known to anyone except me. There were no people to share, I don't want to be alone, I'm just born for alone, People to say they fall in love with multiple people in their life. I think its completely wrong. You can love multiple people in your life but True love can happen only once in life. That love is immutable.

You can't forget the person to whom you have loved from the bottom of your heart. You can just compromise your feeling to move on in your life. Every person has a story about their true love, some agree, some behave like they don't believe in this.

This love starts with that thing called 'I like him; it only grows over time when you started to know more and more and more about that person.

Then suddenly you'll realize that you've already fallen deep for that person, This is where the hardest part will challenge you. If you are brave enough, you can get yourself together and confess how you feel but if not, he'd been always sat in my front seat, but I never talked to him, like in my case, it's troublesome. Other feelings will arise like being confused and scared that if continuously happens will only lead you to keep those feelings alone inside you, and I never get the courage to tell him that I love him. a strange aroma always around him.

I may get hurt at the end of this story but I know that every wound will tend to heal and every broken heart will mend itself. People will continue to move on as time passes. What is important is what you have now, live with it gladly, enjoy it and never fear of losing it because we all know nothing is constant in this world, only change.

Even if we lose something, be sad for a while, accept the fact, and then move on because there is a reason for everything. We must continue to live, laugh, and love.
I thought finally my time comes but I was wrong!

Seokjin pov

I feel no pain, there's no sensation, I'm no longer a human, wait I was never a human being, rather die than to live, I can't die even though I want to, I'm the living dead, can I become a human?
So, I have been decided that I eat her soul because let me clarify, Smell that always been tortured me and I don't know what was in her eyes all the time I felt inside something different activities.

And when I started to eat her soul sudden sound of steps causes to stumble back in alarm and I stopped, turned my head when I saw that jerk suho, I back to start what I working out.

"Uhu are you two kissing?"-suho said to me. I don't listen to him, I grab her arm, she lost her sense.
" Hey I'm talking with you, why you do not answer my question?"-suho said.
My emotionless mind suddenly burning by anger, my only answer is -

"Get lost, before I cut your mouth"

All my attempts turn into failures, turn my head at his call," Kim seok jin! You bastard, how dare you!" he stepped closer to me, I put that girl onto the Terrace floor, I leaned her head against the wall. I start getting when my elbow hits something, I turn back in alarm, I must've hit her head.

"Have you ever killed someone?" I said to him with a cruel smile, but my expression draws into a firm grim line.
As soon as he heard me, he started to back away" what do you mean?"

"Do you know what it feels like in your hands when you're choking someone who is flailing around to stay alive?" Keeping an eye on his, I could easily say these horrible things to him"

he  stammered in fear, "what are you talking about!"

"Just get out of here before I pull out all the hair on your head", I said, as soon as I began yelling at him, my eyes turned into red.

He rushing towards me and grab my shirt collar.

He put out a nice stiff left, which he planned to follow with a right cross. I slipped to the left, which threw him off enough so that I could step inside the right cross and get a handful of his hair.

I pulled his head forward and broke his nose with my head. Still holding his hair in one hand, I got my other hand into his crotch and put my shoulder into him and lifted him off the ground and slammed him down on the floor. He grunted and went limp. When I stood back, he slowly slid off and lay on the floor with his mouth open, He absorbed the trauma, swallowing the pain, then kicked his way slowly back to the surface.

And I said " obliviate" apply to him and also her, actually, I don't need to physically fight.

[The Memory Charm (Obliviate), also known as the Forgetfulness Charm, was a charm that could be used to erase specific memories from an individual's mind. It was different from the charm that creates false memories.]

A memory

Multiple small incisions on the thighs, all just splitting the skin. He'd then applied the salt, they didn't kill me instead they torture me every day, but one day someone broke the Azkaban and told me everything about the magical world,

he helped me to hide from them, When my son was born the doctor said the baby was not alive, He has no heartbeat, he is dead, While I was crying, my friend hugged him and said he was alive, I guessed he'd been a cursed child looks like a monster but  I see a fairy in heaven in front of me, his beautiful little hands, his face gleaming like light, sun woo who helped me to raise my son, As he got older, I realized he was nothing more than a robot with no emotions, we started to train him but all our attempt turn into failure.

SILENT HEARTBEAT(ongoing) 조용한 심장 박동 (I Can't Be Killed)Where stories live. Discover now