New Face

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1993  in the chamber of secret

The entrance to the Chamber is at a snake-engraved sink tap, A corridor may be entered by giving the command of "Open" or "Open up" to a snake engraved on the entrance.

Towering stone pillars entwined with more serpents rose to a ceiling lost in darkness, casting long, black shadows through the odd, greenish gloom that filled the place, kim seok jin was standing at the end of a long, dimly lit chamber. Holding a piece of rope, the magician places the ends of the rope into seokjin hands and closes his fingers around the ends. The magician shakes the rope slightly, says a magic word, blows on his hands, and drops one end of the rope. Magic! The end has a knot in it! He was brutally beaten with a stick before his hands and feet were tied, The wounds on his body began to hurt him more and more.

When blood starts coming out from the cut wound of the hand, the whole body started burning,

His eyelids were clamped shut. Sounds grew distant, and the familiar image was projected onto the screen of his consciousness, Y/N was hugging him tightly.

He trembled all over, and his heartbeat grew faster and louder.

the same image would be repeated as if on a tape machine set on automatic. finally opened his eyes, managed to focus them, His mind was gradually coming back to where it belonged and his senses were returning to normal.
"You are a Curse to our Family! we are pureblood family!  Kill him!"

We belonged in two different worlds, using our love as a bridge, I wished to cross over to her world, regardless of how many times I'm reborn, the world is filled with darkness, there are times when you must give up the things you cherish, I give up everything, but not her.

Someone rip my body in two with a sharp sword, But I was just smiling, I sense the taste of my blood when the blood was coming in my teeth, The blood is spilling all over the room because I can't kill her. I love her more than anything.

" I know you will be born again, Kim seok jin!" A voice ringing into my head.


Y/N pov

"Just want to be your friend" he replied with his cold blank face.
" Wait, friend? Friends share kisses?" I starting at him with my mouth open.

"Why not, I helped you, you should help me out! He mentioned it like that it was his right so I must do it!

"Not only that, I will help you more, instead, I have to learn from you how to be human!
" you are not human?"

"I wish I could!" It was the kind of smile he might have found a way in the back of a
normally shut door.
But his handsome face melts your heart in a second, so I just staring at him like a joker. but suddenly I got goosebumps when he stepped close to me, in which small bumps appear on my whole body.

"As I mentioned briefly to you I will not say it to you a second time, will you help me or not!"

I stepped back and shouting "just leave me alone, "common sense tells me this is a tremendously risky plan to shout. but..

"Why you always afraid! I hate weak people, if someone bites you, you should bite them back, the world is cruel to those who can't even scream when bitten, so see you later in college"

He left but left a trace, there were some eternal truths that I did not want to accept.

  I crawled out of bed and, bumping into things, managed to find my way to the phone on the table. scrolling my sns page and thinking about to recover myself.

It could be the middle of the night or the crack of dawn.  Y/N thought about seok jin. she halted her action and shook her head several times but the thoughts would not go away. She had not been intending to think about him, but once the thoughts began, she couldn't stop. she always wanted to impress him, she sat frozen on the bed all night, thinking about what seok jin wants from her.  It's a great chance to win his heart,isn't it? the window was cracked open and the cold wind is chill her whole body and left some goosebumps.

At first, she could not see the shadow but when she realized someone was standing in her room she started screaming for fear. but there was nothing.

She did not sleep the whole night, wash and clean everything, cook for her older brother and mom, her older brother always beaten her for nothing.
In the morning, she took a bath with hot water, She never wanted to wear a mini skirt but she did today, Long, straight hair, white blouse. Small and slim. her body curve acknowledges that she's slim enough, put her ugly glass off, She faced the mirror and added a touch of lipstick, Her lips were trying to smile.

Seok jin Pov

Seok jin picked up his coffee cup and gulped down what was left. He tasted nothing, just felt some lukewarm liquid passing down his throat., still lightly waving his spoon because he's not hungry. he began to feel lonely, no miss something else, so, he didn't go to Hogwarts, not necessary to learn magic, just want to be human or something else!
so, he's feet was stand in the front of Y/N house, he also can't believe himself! he kept peeking to see her once from a distance, her hair was floating in the wind.

Next morning

Y/N is extremely nervous about What everyone will think when they see her like that! her hand began to sweat, she straightened her head bravely entered in college. People looked at her strangely, she became even more nervous than before.

"Is she loner girl! Oh my God! She looks beautiful.......she did surgery? How?

Y/N want to grab her ear but suddenly she felt her hand was warming up.

It was a lovely gesture, and her fingers were lovely, Kim seok jin reached out and grabbed her hand tightly.

(What is chamber of secret

The engraved snake is on a tap over one of the sinks. The snake twist making the other snakes go back. where a ghost of a girl named, more commonly known as Moaning Myrtle can often be found, According to Myrtle, the tap has never worked. A passage will open from the sink that leads to a corridor, which and opened in and respectively. According to legend, before he left, Slytherin created a secret chamber deep underground in Hogwarts Castle — known as the Chamber of Secrets. That Chamber was home to a monster — a Basilisk — that was allegedly supposed to purge the school of all Muggle-borns.)


Pure-blood is the term applied to wizards and witches who have no Muggle blood, Muggle-borns, or half-bloods at all in their family tree. )

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