Hunter Exam VI

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(Y/n) POV:

I sat down on the recliner. It was facing Illumi's desk with him working on it. It wasn't exactly right in front of it, it was facing the desk just a bit further away. So whatever Illumi could see from his side of the window, is what I can't see and vice versa. I was looking out of the window wondering about things. Then suddenly a question popped up into my mind. 

"Ne Illumi." I called him curious about something that I just thought about moments ago. I heard him quickly close all the windows and tabs he had opened on the device and direct his attention to me. As soon as he let go of the mouse, I appeared behind him and looked at the almost empty desktop of the computer to look for any clues for what he was searching for so concentrated. Sadly, he had erased every piece of evidence related to his last search. "Yes, what is it?" 

He said turning his head to look upwards at me since he was sitting and I was standing, showing that he's ready to answer. His eyes met mine and I was lost in his beautiful paradise, his eyes were prettier than mine, and I internally adored them. They were just beautiful, majestic and emotionless. Exactly like mine, minus the beautiful part. I spaced out for a couple of seconds, drowning in his blank and boring eyes which were similar to mine. His eyes also boring into mine. After a few more seconds, I snapped out of my trance and focused on the question that I was about to ask him.

I backed up a little and asked him, "Does you brother, killua, know you're here?" 

It was almost unnoticeable but his eyes widened by a millimetre. "No he doesn't and how did you identify him?" He said getting serious for a bit. I've only known him for a night but I have a hunch this is going to be our usual thing, we were having another stare down. "The white hair and sapphire blue eyes cannot be mistaken. They're quite similar to your father's." I said getting more and more attention from him. "And how do you know our father?" He asked already emitting his deathly aura. I didn't back down this time too, sure his aura was making me feel a little bit of fear again but I wouldn't let that show, I also emitted my black aura. It was now a battle between our stares and aura. Anyone who passes by this certain room would most definitely be aware that two nen users are here.

~time skip 10 minutes~

We were still continuing our battle, it was intense now, we thought it wouldn't be a problem to let our aura get out of control but then we both realized somethings and dialed it down. We avoided our aura going out of the room since killua isn't aware of Illumi being here but would surely recognize his presence and the applicants would be intimidated by my aura more than they already were by me so I'd literally have 0% of chance for gaining some useful "friends".

It was intensive, our aura barely keeping in control, we had decided to continue it but then suddenly a knock was heard.

We both a immediately stopped emitting our nen and quickly regained our posture. Illumi went and grabbed his top and needles and within some seconds, got ready in his disguise.

I looked at him and he nodded signaling me to open the door. I nodded back and swiftly went and stood in front of the door. I first looked through the peep hole to see if anyone was there. 

No one was there, I didn't even feel a presence. They must be using Zetsu.

I grabbed the door handle and pulled it to open it. The door slowly opened with small rays of sunlight and dust particles entering through it. The room got brighter than it already was and I squinted at the light. When the door was completely open, there was still no one there. I looked back at Illumi and he just gave me a shaky shrug with some metallic sounds. I also gave him a shrug and looked out again.

Assassins shouldn't love, right? {Illumi x Fem!reader} [UNDER HEAVY EDITING]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat