Hunter Exam XII

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(Y/n) POV:

The door opened and now we both continued walking on our paths. Illumi following behind me. For as long as I could see, there was only a long, narrow hallway. We kept walking and both our footsteps were clearly heard as we both didn't try to hide from someone. His steps were quieter than mine but I didn't pay any attention. We kept walking and I kept hearing the rustling of his hair with every step he took.  Suddenly, an idea popped into my head and it almost looked like a light bulb next to me. I stopped abruptly to explain my idea to Illumi.

He was following the path behind me so he also had to stop with my movements. I turned around quickly and brought one of my hands up till my shoulder and bent down my fingers except the index finger and proceeded to tell him my idea.

I put my other hand on my waist and started speaking, "hey, since it's a long hallway, how about we use our speed to get to the end quick?" Said me with my expressionless face as I saw Illumi bringing his hand up to his chin and holding it as if he's thinking. He stayed quiet for a bit and then spoke up.

"Sure." He said. I simply nodded and turned around. As soon as my back faced him, I gathered strength in my feet, waited for a few more seconds to see Illumi's actions. He just stood there observing me with his blank face. His eyes were on me and then suddenly I felt this immediate urge to do my best in front of him. I couldn't explain this feelings but I closed my eyes and focused on my launch. I inhaled and then pushed the ground behind me leaving a huge blemish on the ground as I paced forward each second.

I left Illumi behind so I don't know if he's taken the lead or if he's still behind me. I reverted my gaze and concentration forward to look for the end of the hall. Not long after, a large stone door was visible. This path would've taken a maximum of 2 hours and 19 minutes if we walked the whole path in the same pace.

Achievement Unlocked: New emotion- excitement

As I saw the door, I got a tad bit excited. At least that's what people call this feeling. But that excitement didn't last long because Illumi was already there waiting for me. My eyes widened and I had a tiny shock since I took off seconds before him and used my full speed. It took me 5.72 seconds to get through a 2 hour path then how long did it take him? When did he reach here? How was he here? Is he really that quick? I had all kinds of question on my mind.

I slowed down a bit so I could gracefully stop at his location. He still stood there. Why didn't he just go ahead without me? Does he have to wait for me?  

I slowed down quite a lot and stopped right before I hit him. There was a huge gust of wind and dust flew everywhere as I stopped. I looked up to his eyes and his eyes captured mine. But I controlled myself this time from going into a trance. "Why did you wait for me? Couldn't you have gone ahead without me?" I asked him sincerely since there was an option to leave me here and carry on.

"I would've but this door requires a little something." He said as he pointed to the door behind him. I peeked from his side and started to examine the door. It had a weird shape carved out right in middle of the structure. "That's right, to pass through this door, you must get a hold of each other's hands. Only holding one hand will also do. You'll have to bring your joined hands to the carved out shape and fit them in there and press the shape a little to unlock this door. Many couples have failed to do this in one try, those who HAVE made the door open in one try are said to be made for each other, beware." Said the sneaky examiner speaking from a tiny box that was hidden in between the small gaps in the bricks. 

Wow so original... I thought as I turned to look at Illumi to get his opinion. "What should we do?" I asked him. He turned his attention towards the door and gazed at it for a little while. Then he turned his attention towards my small figure and said, "Let's do it." 

I had a slight surprise from his boldness but I agreed anyway because if that's what we have to do cross this phase off the list, we'll do it. At least I'm willing to do anything to make it past this phase.

Anyways, me and Illumi had a stare off again. I knew this was going to be our thing. But the stare off was broken soon because we had already wasted 15 seconds. "So, we're doing this-" He didn't let me finish my sentence and grabbed my left hand with his right and interwined our fingers together to form the exact needed posture for the shape carved in the door. 

I inhaled a bit and waited for his command but it didn't seem like that he would take charge anytime soon so I sighed and took the control of his right hand. "We're going to do this in first try." He said boldly. I had no problem with his statement but then I was reminded of what the examiner said.

Made for each other huh? We'll see that right now, thought me as I took a deep breath and focused on the shape on the door. I brought our hands up to my line of vision so I could perfect any slight irregularities. But, Illumi did perfect this in one try so I left it as it was once I took a good look at it. I sighed, "Yeah." I said and commanded us to go through this one try. "We're going to do this first try. Approach that door on my count.."

"1.." I said with the pressure increasing.


And for the last needed number, I paced us forward and said the last count, "3!" 

We both grabbed each other's hand tightly and shoved our hands in the carved shape. It fit perfectly...How....what...why? I was prepared for another try and gave up on this try as the door didn't budge. I sighed heavily and was about to let go of our joined hands when Illumi stopped me from doing so. I looked at him in confusion. 

He directed me to look at the door. I confusingly took his request and looked at the door. 

N-no....why is the door moving? It shouldn't m-move, n-no...W-why..



But since I'm experiencing this issue, I'm REALLY FUCKING SORRY BUT I'll have to shorten the number of updates so I'l update it twice a week LIKE I REALLY WANT TO KEEP POSTING BUT THIS APP ISN'T COOPERATING dskjfhdoihienif I AM SO VERY SORRY OMFG ILY GUYS FOR NOT COMPLAINING 😭💖💖 AnYwAyS-

Till the next time,

Author-chan out!

Assassins shouldn't love, right? {Illumi x Fem!reader} [UNDER HEAVY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now