The Last Picture Show

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It's been a week since the discovery of Jason Blossom's body. But his death wasn't the first nor would it be the last casualty that the town of Riverdale would suffer. The Twilight Drive In , where I work , my home away from home , a piece of town history was closing for good and just when we needed a place to escape to the most. With Sheriff Keller knocking on every door and neighbour suspecting neighbour , Riverdale everyday that passes was becoming more like Salem during the witch trials. And meanwhile, the girl next door , our friendly neighbourhood Hitchcock blond, Betty Cooper was wrestling with the knowledge the her best friend Archie Andrews was caught up in a forbidden romance.

I woke up in the morning and I felt two strong arms wrapped around me and then I remembered what happened last night. I woke Jughead up and he went out the window so no one would see him and I agreed to meet him at Pops with Betty and Kevin.

I went downstairs and I got dressed and went for a walk to Pops while dad and Archie went to something Ms.Grundy was doing and Archie wouldn't miss it and that was suspicious to me because he never goes to these sorts of things. Anyways I got to pops and stayed there for awhile.


Jug,Kevin, Betty and Veronica came in to Pops and saw me and joined the booth I was in but I kept staring out the window when they joined because I didn't want to face Veronica and Hermione who was working here and this time. They ordered there milkshakes and then had a conversation about normal gossip and when the drive in came up in conversation then Jug started to get a bit frustrated about it.

They were in conversation when I heard the bell of Pops ring and Kevin just says "That's an odd combo of people." Betty quickly excuses herself and brings Archie outside. I have not spoke in two days and I keep getting worried glances from Dad, Archie, my friends but especially Jughead.

Veronica went out to Archie and Veronica and I followed ignoring Jug calling me back. I stayed beside the door to pops and listened to the conversation that was going on.

I hear Archie and Betty talking before Veronica got there. "It's not what your thinking." Archies says. "So it's platonic." "Ok , maybe it's a little like what your thinking." "Archie are you and Ms.Grundy like together, like romantically?" Veronica hears this and then says "Oh my god, you and your music teacher are having an affair?" "We are ... together. Look I know that sounds bad but-" "Bad" Veronica quickly interjects "It's sounds scandalous." Betty then speaks "It sounds like jail time to me. Illegal!"

I heard enough and decided to just stop listening and go back into Pops. Once I entered Heromine comes over to me. "Sky? Is that you?" "Go away Heromine." "How are you here ?" "Ok I am leaving because I don't want to hear this." I left out the door and Veronica then drags me by the arm out the where Archie, Veronica and Betty had there previous conversation.

"Sky I need to ask you this but how long have you been I Riverdale?" "2 years exactly on Friday. Are we done?" "Nope. Definitely not." "Look Veronica I don't care what happened in New York after that, I left as a matter of my safety." "Safety? From who Sky" "Hmm let me see. Your father , my uncle Arther, my mother , my father , Lenny, Carl, Papa Poutin and the list goes on Veronica. Now if you will excuse me." I ran home without saying another word.


The next after school I went with dad to the construction site to see how everything is going and because it is the one place where I don't have to face Veronica. Someone came in the trailer while I was sitting on the desks beside where dad was doing a bit of paperwork and I saw it was Jug. He didn't look to happy.

"Mayor McCoy so you won the contract to tear down the drive in." Jug says and when he does I immediately look at dad. "Wait what! Dad why?" "I did. Look , I'm sorry Jug and Sky I know how much you guys loved the Twilight. So do I." I then couldn't take it anymore so I just ran out of the office and I tried to control myself.

A few minutes later Jug came out. When he saw me and that I was starting to have a panic attack he ran up to me and hugged me tightly saying reassuring things into my ear to let me know I was ok and that he is here. I started to panic more at images that kept popping up in my head and then all of a sudden I felt lips on mine. They were Jugs. "What was that for Jug?" "I heard that holding your breath can help stop a panic attack so I did the first thing that came to mind." "Thank you. See you tonight in the movie booth?" "You bet." Then we both left hand in hand and what we didn't know was that Dad at watched everything with a smile on his face.


I was walking to the booth when I noticed my friends near it, the Southside Serpents. As I probably have already said is that I am in fact in the gang and when FP retires or steps down then I am more than likely gonna step forward and he has been teaching me his ways so I am ready when this happens. I said a quick hello to them and I went to the booth door and knocked and Jug opened it. I walked in with popcorn and soda.

Jug and I weren't really watching the movie. I looked over at him and he was already looking at me. I kissed Jug before anything else could happen and after a few minute we pulled away. "Sky Andrews will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" I then kissed him again but before we could do anything else there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was Alice Cooper. Before I could say anything I was dragged into the back of her car with Betty and dad and brought to the school.


Alice told us to follow her in which we did and she lead us into the music room where Archie and Ms.Grundy were. Oh no , this is not gonna be good.

Alice then starts to talk "Well, well, well. There they are. What did I tell you?". Ms. Grundy then spoke "Can someone please tell me what's going on here?". Alice then answered "Of course, Archie would you like to share with us what you and Ms.Robinson have been doing during your music lessons? And please don't leave out any of the lurid details because Betty here keeps a very meticulous diary and I am more then happy to fill in the details." What the hell I thought while I looked at Betty who mouthed I'm sorry to Archie.

"Never thought I would live to see this day. I thought the one thing that we could keep our Riverdale save from is child predators." Archie then says "Ms.Grundy is not a predator she is a good person." "Archie you don't have to protect me." Dad the S day "Ya he doesn't." Words in this conversation like "forced upon" was bringing memories back that I never wanted to think back about so I just ran out of the school and the last thing I heard from Dad was "Archie leave Sky she needs to be alone and thanks to this conversation she has probably remembered stuff that she never wants to remember again." I ran to the place that I know someone would keep me safe , Jug at the drive in.

When I got there I knocked on the door and Jug immediately opened it and saw the state I was in so when I jumped to hug Jug tightly , he let me. He put his hands under my thighs to keep me up and he set me down on his bed. He got up and closed the door and then took off his t-shirt and hopped into the bed beside me and I snuggled into him immediately and I let sleep take over me.


I woke up and Jug was already packed and ready to get out and when he saw me awake he told me good morning and then we went out the door of the movie booth one last time. Jug got out spray paint and wrote "Jughead Jones wuz here" with a crown and then we heard someone come up beside us. It was FP Jones. "Tear the booth down to. Raise the whole place and send it to the junk yard.Us with it" Jug then starts to speak "Ya. Maybe they'll save it. All the pieces. Store it in the town hall attic and rebuild it in a hundred years. Wonder who the hell we were." "So where you gonna live now?" "I'll figure it out dad. I always do." and with that Jug put an arm around my shoulder and we walked the opposite direction then FP but I heard FP call after "By the way Sky there is someone at the Whyrm looking for you." I turned. "What was their name?" "Laura and James." "Wait seriously?!" "Ya they said they need to speak to you." "Tell them to go to hell!" With that I dragged Jug by the a before FP could say anything else.

If I am honest I never thought I would even be writing a third story. I thought I would just write the hype house one and it would not get as much views as it has got. I am so grateful for your guys support and it means so much to me. I hope you are enjoying reading my books and I hope I can write more books like these ones in the future but for now at least you have these ones. ❤️❤️

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