The Lost Weekend

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Weekdays from 8:25am to 3:01pm we adhere to a strict regimen everything in our lives controlled. But then something like the murder of Jason Blossom happens and you realise there is no such thing as control. There is only chaos.

Nevertheless, some of us strive to impose and maintain order in what is, fundamentally an orderless world. A fact which would very soon be confirmed in ways none of us could have foreseen.


Jug and Arch were playing a video game while I was just watching on Jughead's lap. We haven't told Archie we're dating or anyone for that matter but I just don't care anymore, that I want them to find out in their own way.

Dad knocked on the door on the way in the room to gain our attention. "I'm uh - I'm headed out. Sorry to be missing your birthday this weekend, Jug." "Oh, you will not be missing anything Mr.Andrews. I barely acknowledge my own birthday." "Sky, can you give me a hand downstairs ?" "Sure. Be right back guys." Dad and I then left the room.


Dad and I were outside on the porch talking. Dad then says "The great news is that all these divorce papers and legal mumbo jumbo will be done. It should be behind us by the end of the week." "Are you only going to see Mom now because you and Hermione Lodge...?" "No. No, Sky. I ended that. Just being together, working together, not a good idea." "In that case , then why finalise things in such a final way now?" "Sometimes, Sky, you just gotta rip the Band-Aid off." He gets his bag and starts walking to the pick up but I speak up.

"Or you can try and fix things." "We're past that point, Skylar." "Arch told me he spoke  to Mom last week. He said she didn't mention any of this." "Your mom moved out two years ago. Just as we adopted you actually. She didn't tell you both, because she wanted me to be the bearer of bad news." He went down the stairs of the porch."What if Archie came with you?" "This is between me and your mom. I'll check in on you both." With that he left.


At lunch I went out with outside because I needed time to myself. I was silently crying because I didn't want anyone to notice. It seems someone did notice me because they sat down right beside me.

"You ok? I haven't talked to you all day." "There's a lot on my mind. That's all." "Talk to me Sky. As your boyfriend it is my duty to make sure you are ok." "As my boyfriend you can be there for me and that is more than enough. I don't even deserve you." "Why you saying that?" "Because Jughead .... I am so damaged and broken. I have a hateful biological family and I don't want you to get hurt or worse because of me." "Hey. I am fine but I am not going anywhere. You can't push me away Sky , no matter how hard you try."


Jug put out the pizza. This what we usually do before his birthday so only was only tradition we do it this year to. I started eating the pizza while Jug started to speak. "So a John Landis double feature at the Bijou. American Werewolf in London and Animal House." Arch started to cut up more of the pizza. "That's awesome. Except you're going with Betty instead." "Why not me or you Arch. Why Betts?" "Because after your talk he had a talk with me and told me the after affects of your head injury so you're not going anywhere." "Fine."

Jug cut in the conversation "You told Betty about my birthday? Dude, come on. That's a primal betrayal." "Why do you hate you birthday so much, Jug?" "Don't be rude Arch and don't ask that." "It's fine babe. I'll answer the question. PTSD from when I was a kid. I don't know. Things were always messed up at home usually because of my dad, and there was this arbitrary day that we would just get together and pretend things were great, we were normal. Just made me feel really lonely."

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